
How to catch exceptions from gsoap?

Hello everyone! I'm currently building an iphone app based on gsoap for the communication. I'm trying to manage connection problems and I can't find any specific return statement when the device is not connected to host. Is there a way to get some kind of exceptions when running gsoap send or reicv methods? Thanks for help, Romain ...

http status from gsoap header

does anybody knows how to retrieve the http status in gSoap? I have "HTTP/1.1 202 ACCEPTED..." and I want to print the 202 somehow. ...

gSoap compilation with c++

I'm trying to get a simple example working using gSoap, for VS2008. I've done the following: wsdl2h -o Init.h http://myservices/InitalisationService.asmx?WSDL And then this: soapcpp2 -I "C:\3pSDK\gsoap-2.7\gsoap\import" -i -C -limport Init.h which produces many files. My project folder looks like this: // generated files Init.h ...

making a web services query using gSoap with query arguments

I'm attempting to convert a soap query written for C# into a gSoap query in Visual C++. The C# query adds an XML node's to the query call, in order to pass parameters to the query: XmlNode queryOpts = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "QueryOptions", ""); queryOpts.InnerXml = "<DateInUtc>TRUE</DateInUtc>"; Here's the C# query, p...

Soap service on linux

I am thinking of writing a tool on Linux that will have to process a fair amount of data and was wondering if using soap to centralize the service would be a good idea. I have 10 - 15 servers that will be sending the soap service about 1 Gig of data and will have to be sent back 2 gigs with probably about 30 mins of processing time. Th...

gSOAP C++ client memory leak

I have read the gSOAP docs and seen mentions of the fact that one should call soap_destroy(soap) and soap_end(soap) etc., however they are always examples with a single invocation on the service object. The service I am using returns about 40KB of text with each invocation. My problem is that memory usage grows linearly by about the same...

Using GSoap returns EHOSTUNREACH when calling connect() through socket.h

Hi there! I'm currently building an iPhone app based on Gsoap toolkit to connect to a webservice. Everything works fine except when I try to connect to my service after disconnecting and reconnecting 3g on the device, I get : SOAP 1.1 fault: SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode] "Connection refused" Detail: connect failed in tcp_connect() Wor...

how to support both common connection and SSL connection in gsoap

hi, i am facing a confusing question,i want to support both common connection and SSL connection in gsoap,but in this case, for common connection, it does not work after soap_ssl_accept() failed. how do i deal with this question. please help me. Thanks. ...

Gsoap multiple services on the same port

Trying to implement with gsoap multiple webservices listening to same port. I read through Gsoap user guide section 7.2.8 Where they provide a sample (below) that doesn't actualy work as 1. the soap object is changed after abc.serve so uvw cannot find the method 2. AND when the soap servce doe...

Unable to compile Qt Symbian application that uses gSoap

I'm using gSoap along with Qt for Symbian. Under the emulator, the application compiles fine, but when I change the target of the compiler to compile for the device, I get the following error: WARNING: Can't find following headers in System Include Path <netinet\tcp.h> This gets included from the stdsoap2.h file as follows: #ifnde...

Using C++ for backend calculations in a web app

I'm running a PHP front end to an application that does a lot of work with data and uses Cassandra as a data store. However I know PHP will not give me the performance I need for some of the calculations (as well as the management for the sheer amount of data that needs to be in memory) I'd like to write the backed stuff in C++ and ac...

gSOAP does **not** close sockets ??

Hi all, I've an issue with gSoap - it's not closing the socket.. Here's the situation: the application is working fine, but when I call "reload" function, it cannot reconnect.. Here's a piece of code: soap_destroy( &m_soapObj ); soap_end( &m_soapObj ); soap_done(&m_soapObj); sleep(1); soap_init(&m_soapObj); //m_ptrThis should be in...

xs:choice embedded in xs:sequence prevents the use of a union

I have the following xsd <xsd:complexType name="myID"> <xsd:choice> <xsd:element name="testID" type="priv:testID"/> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="newID" type="priv:newID"/> <xsd:element name="testID" type="priv:testID" minOccurs="0"/> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:choice> </xsd:comple...

gsoap SOAP FAULT: SOAP-ENV:Client End of file or no input: 'Operation interrupted or timed out'

Hi, I am using gsoap and I am getting this message in the server side: SOAP-ENV:Client End of file or no input: 'Operation interrupted or timed out' The sequence of packets in the wireshark is packet1. client > server SYN packet2. server > client SYN ACK packet3. client > server ACK that completes the three way handshake....