
What are the relative merits of wxHaskell and Gtk2HS?

Which is better for developing GUI applications with Haskell, wxWidgets (via wxHaskell) or GTK (via Gtk2HS)? What are the pros and cons of each? Does it vary depending on which platform you are targeting (I would primarily be working on OS X but would like my programs to work on Linux and Windows too)? ...

Problems with scrolling in TextView in Gtk2hs and Haskell.

I'm writing my first gtk2hs+glade application, and I'm using a textview to display output from the program. Instead of scrolling which I thought was supposed to be the default behavior, the textview gets bigger everytime I re-set the text, and makes my buttons below it smaller until they disappear, but the scroll bars never pop up, and i...

How to change properties of DrawingArea in Gtk2Hs

Can someone please point me in the right direction when it comes to changing properties of an element in Gtk2Hs. For example, how do I change the background-color of a DrawingArea? ...

GTK Expander without fixed sizes.

Hi. I am having some trouble using the GTK Expander widget. I have several expanders in a vertical box. When collapsing an expander, I want the expanders below to "shuffle" up to meet the bottom of the collapsed expander's bar. However, using VBox appears to reserve a fixed amount of vertical space for each widget, which does not change ...

Fixing the size of a GTK Widget?

I am attempting to fix the size of a widget in GTK+, specifically using Gtk2hs with Haskell. I have drawn an image in a DrawingArea and I would like to specify the exact size of this drawing area. I do not want other widgets or the user to make this widget larger or smaller. Is this possible? Note, I am using ghc version 6.10.4 under U...

Designing loosely coupled components with GTKs event model.

This is a fairly vague and open ended question, but hopefully someone can still provide some insight. I am using GTK (through Gtk2Hs with Haskell via GHC) and I am wondering if there is any general advice for handling events. I am used to keeping system components loosely coupled (from OO practice) and this extends to the event model. I...

Programatically firing an event in GTK (With Gtk2Hs).

I am using Gtk2Hs (EventM module) to handle GTK events within Haskell. Is it possible to manually (re-)fire an event? Upon detecting an event on one widget, I want to refire this event on another widget. I am using Gtk2Hs version 0.10.1 and GHC version 6.10.4. ...