
What control can use to order and select data? C# .NET

Basically i am looking for the top half of this. I am using a listbox for the left side where it says All, Active, Inactive etc. Now i need the right side, what control is that? I need something that will highlight an entire row and allow me to order (ASC and DESC) based on the column i click. ...

How do I set a background color for the whole window of a Qt application?

Does anyone know if/how one would be able to set a background color for the whole window of a Qt application? So far I am using stylesheets but can only figure out how to assign a background color to a widget such as QGroupBox or QPushButton. Basically, if I want a black background how would I make it seamless without any borders of the ...

Polished UI Desktop Application, which UI library to choose?

I am a long time MFC programmer and know it quite well. Recently we are planning for a large desktop application. In order to beat competition, one requirement is polished UI. We narrow down the choices to three: WinForms MFC QT4 We looked at some big WinForms applications, such as Paint.Net, and feel that it still lacks power of pe...

How should data be synchronized between a WinForms GUI control and the client class?

What method is considered the "standard" for keeping data structures within GUI controls synchronized with the data structures that are maintained by the application? For example: In WinForms, if one creates a ListView instance, rather than pointing it to a data structure that represents the items to appear within the list, one must...

Vertically centering a view in Android.

I'm trying to center a View vertically on screen with the following layout: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" > <EditText android:text="example text" ...

GUI for bazaar, equivalent of gitk

What is a maintained GUI for bzr, perhaps something like gitk for git? ...

MFC without document/view architecture

I'd like some help on using MFC without the document/view architecture. I created a project without doc/view support, Visual C++ created a CFrameWnd and a view that inherits from CWnd. I replaced the view inheriting from CWnd with a new view that inherits from CFormView. However, when I run my program, after I close the window I get a ...

Activate Item on Button Press or Button Release.

I have a simple GUI that I am developing for an embedded system. The menus can be navigated with the up/down keys and an item can be activated by pressing a confirm key. Presently there are no double presses or long presses planned, but they might be implemented in future releases. Right now the keys are processed on key release. I like ...

image manipulation widget for PHP

Hi - Any recommendations for how to resize & crop images in a PHP web app? Ideally will integrate into the UI to allow user to upload, preview, then optionally resize and crop. Thanks, Graham ...

Is there a standard (non-WPF) way to do unusual shape/style dialogs?

Many applications have dialogs which have totally custom-looking dialogs, big fat tool-bars and non-rectangular shapes. Notepad++ looks fairly standard, but is able to make dialogs transparent (e.g the search/replace dialog). While WPF allows such things (I think) apps have been doing this way before WPF/Aero/Vista existed. Do thye all ...

wxPython: How should I organize per-widget data in the controller?

I have a widget that displays a filesystem hierarchy for convenient browsing (basically a tree control and some associated toolbar buttons, such as "refresh"). Each of these widgets has a set of base directories for it to display (recursively). Assume that the user may instantiate as many of these widgets as they find convenient. Note th...

Qt Dialog Window Opens in Same Window

I managed to get a QPushButton to open a new window when pressed by using the following code (just snippets of code): AppDialog::AppDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { QPushButton *button3 = new QPushButton(tr("Apps")); QHBoxLayout *hLayout = new QHBoxLayout; hLayout->addWidget(button3); setLayout(hLayout...

GUI objects not showing in Java on Mac

I've only just begun writing GUI programs, this being my second one. With both projects (both homework assignments) I have had the same issue. The GUI objects (such as JTextField) do not show when the application runs until after I resize the window or move keyboard focus to them. If I do not do one of those two things, then I'll just ha...

What is the purpose of the 'Tag' property of Delphi VCL components?

Is there any specific purpose for the 'Tag' property of Delphi VCL components? I have Googled a few examples using it as, for example, a 'color' property or using the value as a pointer address, but is it 'good practice' to use it, or is it considered 'bad practice' as it ties the program logic to the UI? ...

Netbeans: Is it possible to convert a hand-coded GUI into one understood by Matisse?

Hi: I'm starting development on an existing open source project that used a hand-coded GUI. Is it possible to somehow import this into Matisse, so that I can edit this project's GUI in Matisse? Or do I basically have to rebuild it from scratch in Matisse? Cheers, red.october ...

Does Apples UI define Drag&Drop in menus and/or context menus for menu items

I'm trying to update my GUI a little bit but don't want to run into porting problems later next year when a native Cocoa Port will be started. On Windows/Linux it is common to drag items out of menus or being able to right click on a menu item and display a context menu for this menu item. Is there anything like this on MacOSX. ...

Need a GUI Builder for Tkinter / Python

Hello, I need a GUI Builder for Tkinter... was using something a couple of years ago, but I can't find it anymore (I remember something related to Komodo IDE, but perhaps I'm wrong). Please don't give me links to non-functional, old or dead projects, because I found lots of them and none worked; I need something functional. Also, I don'...

a design problem with relatively complicated validations

hi, i have a design problem.. it may seem that i'm giving you too much details, but those are important. say i have a very large input form, with a complicated input, that requires quiet complicated validations, includes validations of relations between different inputs. being probably a very burdensome form for the user, i'd like to g...

How to make window application in ANSI C?

Hello, Until now I've been only writing console applications but I need to write a simple window application for a school assignment. Could somebody point me to a good tutorial how to create windows and other ordinary windows elements such as buttons, 2d graphs ect in ANSI C? is there some good library I should use? I tried googling b...

How do I give this CPU-intensive Java application a GUI?

I'm writing a little genetic algorithm in Java, as a school assignment. Up until now I've pretty much stuck to doing console applications. However I think a UI would be really helpful for this program, so I'd like to make one. I'm having trouble figuring out how to reconcile a GUI which is event-driven, and a console application which ha...