
Why is GW-BASIC still taught in schools?

I dunno about the US of A and the United K , but in India , schools still teach GW-BASIC. Yes, it's the one in which you could do this: 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 GOTO 10 As far as my experience goes, even writing assembler is easier than this mess of a language. It could easily be replaced by something like Python. Also , when last ye...

How to create a plain text file in GW-BASIC 2.01?

My dad learnt programming in the 80s and he is still stuck with GW-BASIC (and making a living out of it). He was asked to create a CSV file, but he only knows how to create files of fixed-width records. I found on the web that the syntax for opening plain-text files is: OPEN file$ FOR OUTPUT as #1 but he claims it doesn't work. The i...