
Why doesn't GWT use gwt-dispatch?

After looking into gwt-dispatch and the Google Wave I/O presentation (Best practices) (video here), I'm wondering why the official GWT release (2.0) doesn't use dispatch (ie. the command pattern) for it's RPC calls. Does anyone know? ...

Using GIN and mvp4g

I'd like to use gwt-dispatch Command Patter implementation in my app. I'm using also mvp4g. How can I make DefaultDispatchAsync available to inject into my presenters using GIN or make it globally available, so I can access it from my presenters? ...

Where to keep gwt-dispatch classes?

Where gwt-dispatcher classes (Action, Result, Handler) should be kept? I mean it should be all in client package or maybe shared or any other combination? How do You handle this? ...

Connecting gwt-dispatch with guice and mvp4g

I have some questions regarding gwt-dispatch and guice. I'm using Guice 2.0, gwt-dispatch 1.1.0 snapshot, mvp4g 1.1.0 and GIN 1.0 First of all, I have defined simple action, result and handler: public class ListContactsAction implements Action<ListContactsResult>{ public ListContactsAction() { } } L...

how to access ServletRequest object in gwt-dispatch ActionHandler<>?

This may be obvious but I can't see to find my way to the ServletRequest object within a gwt-dispatch ActionHandler.execute() method. I'm needing to get to the servlet's getRemoteHost() method. I'm using v1.0 of gwt-dispatch. ...

Gwt-dispatch injection

To use gwt-dispatch we create an object like: private static final DispatchAsync dispatchAsync = GWT.create(DefaultDispatchAsync.class); Is there any way to do this with injection, I mean how to inject this DispatchAsync object into other classes where we need to use it. This is something related to @Inject annotation! ...