
GWT CSS String Parser

Does gwt have a built in parser for converting css based strings to java constructs? IE I'm interested in writing my own widget that takes for instance height/width: public class MyWidget extends Composite{ private double width; private Style.Unit widthUnit; private double height; private Style.Unit heightUnit; /** * @wid...

What is the best way to send data between dynamic widgets in GWT

I'm building GWT page with a dynamic widgets withing other dynamaic widgets. Here is the example of what I have: Course widget that is holding course name, course start time, and a list of Module widgets Module widget has module name, module type, a List of Document widgets, and a List of Audio widgets Document and Audio widget has sim...

drag and drop environment to start developing in gwt

is there any drag and drop environment to work with GWT widgets. or any user friendly IDE or plugin on IDE's i remember using some thing like MyEclips for developing Hibernate was better then working with .xml files. ...