
How to differentiate between scrollbar click events and scrollbar drag events?

I need to scroll an EXT-GWT grid by some custom amount instead of the default 1-2 rows. Since I couldn't find any parameter that let me do this, I overrode the event handler to capture scroll or mousewheel events. On any such event, I just programmatically move the scroller further by the required amount in the same direction, keeping a ...

Getting reference to map Object initialized in GWT class from JSNI

I have a map application using Maps API v2. I am integrating a few more features to the application and want to add a overlay to the map using javascript. For, that I would like to use the same map object already there, and so added this JSNI function var GoogleMap = [email protected]::mapWidget; $wnd.ale...

Google Web Toolkit Deferred Binding Issue

I developed a web app using GWT about 2 years ago, since then the application has evolved. In its current state it relies on fetching a single XML file and parsing the information from it. Overall this works great. A requirement of this app is that it needs to be able to be ran from the filesystem (file:///..) as well as the tradition...

Handling data update/freshness issue in web-app in general (or GWT specifically)

In general, how do you guys handle user update/data freshness interaction with the user (UI issue) in web-apps? For example: Multi-users web-app (like project management) Login to a "virtual" space People can update project names, etc How to handle a situation such that: user-A and user-B load a project with title "Project StackOve...

Gin / Gwt / Eclipse: cannot be resolved to a type

I'm trying to use GIN (Guice for GWT) within eclipse. The tutorial says to add a line to my module xml file: <inherits name=""/> However, when I do this Eclipse reports an error " cannot be resolved to a type" I've added gin.jar, aopalliance.jar and guice.jar as referenced l...

Google GWT cross-browser support: is it BS ?

I developed a browser-deployed full-text search app in FlashBuilder which communicates RESTfully with a remote web-server. The software fits into a tiny niche--it is for use with ancient languages not modern ones, and there's no way I'm going to make any money on it but I did spend a lot of time on it. Now that Apple won't allow Flash...

gwt click event document

i need to register a cross platform and version independent click event to the document. that means i have a two text box and submit button but when i click outside of the two text box and submit button then alert will be displayed .how can i achive this by gwt document.get().addMouseClick ??? ...

Cross developping targetting both Java Swing and GWT

Does anyone know of any tool that can facilitate/ease porting of an app to both Java Swing and GWT? I've got a few "screens" that makes complete sense to have both in a desktop app and in a browser and I was wondering if there was some kind of common API that could be targetted that would facilitate creating these two different "views" ...

GWT: Suggest box with multiple words

Hi. I need to make suggestion TextBox where user can write some keywords ( to search across file archive with specified keywords ). But keywords can be entered sequentially with some delimiter. for example: keyword1; keyword2; key... I want to make it with GWT. Please, tell me if you know some implementation examples (may be in Jav...

Deploying GWT Module to a subdirectory of /war

Is it possible to deploy a GWT Module to a subdirectory of the /war folder? I tried using rename-to="folder/modulename" but that does not seem to work. ...

GWT MVP - retriving custom event parameters problem

Hi, I am developing a GWT application with presenter, dispatcher and Gin. I have a presenter which is retrieving an ArrayList<JobPosting> from server and firing a ManageJobsEvent. dispatcher.execute(new GetJobPostings(userId), new DisplayCallback<GetJobPostingsResult>(display) { @Override ...

how to get in gwt the current position?

hi, we have this example: which shows how to get the user's position in JSP code. How to use it using GWT? thanks ...

Using GWT to output XML, JSON and regular HTML

Sorry, this is a very basic question, as we are just getting started with exploring GWT. We would like to know if it's easy and possible to get GWT to "output" XML, JSON and regular HTML. I would like to know this because ideally we would port parts of our backends over slowly, and it would be nice to drop in GWT in place of AJAX wherev...

Making GWT RPC calls to an external service for which you don't have code

I would like to make a small program that scrapes information from a 3rd-party GWT-enabled website. Is it possible to somehow call this RPC directly? What would I need to reverse-engineer to do this (i.e. hopefully not the entire low-level protocol). I am hoping I could somehow just call this from within my own server-side GWT or Servl...

GWT Clipped image

I am creating a widget in which a portion of an image will be highlighted and the remaining portion will have an opacity 0.5. For this i am using two images. The full image at the back with opacity 0.5. the portion of the image i want to be highlighted in the front. the front image is GWT's Clipped image. I have a scenario where i have...

GWT Animation final value is not respected

I have a FlowPanel that I'm trying to animate back and forth like an iphone nav. (See this post for my original question on how to do this) So I have it "working" with the code shown below. I say working in quotes because I'm finding that my final position of my scroller is not precise and always changes when scrolling. The GWT.log a...

how to use GWT map application id?

Hi, Since the app id is depending on the site name, how can i run it locally in dev mode? I don't want to change the xml file every time and delete the key when debugging Any solution for that? many thx ...

Request builder call not returning when using ssl(https)

Hi , I am using GWT. Currently using gwt-rpc to for login authentication. For only login purpose i want to use ssl(https) and so instead of using gwt-rpc i am trying Request Builder and calling a servlet with https. When in Servlet URL i use protocol as http the request builder works perfectly and response returns to client side(onRespon...

SmartGWT: Getting custom widget from VLStack

Hi I have defined a custom widget: public class BookingArea extends Composite { ... } which contains some smartgwt widgets. From my entrypoint class I add x amount of this widgets inside a VStack. I now want to remove some of the widgets from VStack as something like this: Canvas members[] = vStack.getMembers(); for (int i = 0; i < me...

Groovy and GWT: Combining both paradigms

Hi Is it possible to develop an application in groovy using GWT components? Luis ...