
GWT overlay types accesing keywords

hi, The following code is not working because "default" seems to be a JavaScript keyword. Is there an easy way of fixing this? I want to avoid to change the name on the server side. public final native boolean getDefault() /*-{ return this.default; }-*/; Thanks in advance kukudas ...

How does the scrolling on "Google Maps for Mobile" work?

See - the scrolling is super smooth even with floating toolbars. How are they accomplishing this with GWT? ...

How to run program that sends bills to customers once a month?

Hi! I have a table in database with users and their expenses for traveling. I am using GWT and want to run a code once a month, that would query the database and send bills as PDFs to customers. I know how to create PDFs and send emails from servlet. How to run a program in java (or some other script if it isn't possible with java) that...

question about GwT

i have following code package e.vogella.gwt.helloworld; import; import; import; import; import; import; ...

Problem in Google Visualization Chart Api

Hi Guys I am using GWT If You look at my code , When I click on Hide button it clear the pieFlowPanel Panel but when I click on Show button it does not show my PieChart final Panel panel = RootPanel.get(); final FlowPanel pieFlowPanel = new FlowPanel(); final Runnable onLoadCallback = new Runnable() { public voi...

Generating Hyperlink / HTML / 'Please suggest' in a loop in GWT ?

Hi, So my question is the following : Say, I am displaying data in in a flextable after getting it from a database, am doing this in a routine manner using loops. Now, in the entire First Column, the text should be clickable, i.e. I should be able to add a Click Handler to First Column values (as I gotta load another table upon clickin...

Failed to create an instance of Service via deferred binding

I have been trying to build a GWT / Google App Engine web app using the mvp4g framework. I keep getting an error about Failing to create an instance of my Service via deferred binding. My Acebankroll.gwt.xml file looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <module rename-to='acebankroll'> <inherits name='

Importance of Shared Package in GWT

I realize that GWt doesn't compile the classes not in the Client package. But what is the importance of the shared package? What are the classes that I need to put in this package? ...

Does GWT JSNI support callbacks?

I am building a GWT app that uses Web SQL Local Storage ( ). The problem is that the Web SQL API uses callback functions as arguments. Is it possible to pass "Java" callbacks to JSNI? ...

Ext GWT change ContentPanel background color on mouseover

In my page I have a Gxt ContentPanel with a white background. However, when the user mouses over the Header of the ContentPanel, I would like the background to change colors. I tried achieving this by using the protected addStyleOnOver method of Gxt Component, but it doesn't have any effect. Is there anything else I need to do to use th...

GWT RPC using classes from jar on client side

My problem is very similar to this only in my case the class comes from a jar. So again: I have a class in a jar on the server side and I would like to use it on the client side. I already added a source to the main.xml but it doesn't work and I can't find any tutorial or example about this. ...

Why does Firefox waits until a javascript function is finished to start another function?

Hi, we are developing a web application using GWT in the front end. In GWT we make calls to the server by appending javascript code as stated below: public native static void call(int requestId, String url, ICall handler) /*-{ var callback = "callback" + requestId; //Create a script element. var script = document.createE...

GWT/JAVA - Getting an AJAX call into a dialog box

I'm new to GWT, and having an issue getting the result of an AJAX call to show up in my Dialog box. I set up my dialog box, Vpanel, and response label here: VerticalPanel eventDetailWindow = new VerticalPanel(); final DialogBox dialogBox2 = new DialogBox(); dialogBox2.setText("Event Detail"); dialogBox2.setAnimationEnable...

Regex class not working on server side of GWT

I've the following piece of code in the server folder of the module. Pattern regex = Pattern.compile("/(B[A-Z0-9]{9})/"); Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(detailPageUrl); But I still get the following errors: [ERROR] Line 14: The import java.util.regex cannot be resolved [ERROR] Line 15: The import java.util.regex cannot be resolved [...

GWT FocusPanel word-wrap/resize

Hey there- Okay so here's the situation. I have a HorizontalSplitPanel with a AbsolutePanel on the left. Within this AbsolutePanel I have a tree structure, where each node is a unique FocusPanel. Is there a quick and easy way to have these FocusPanels act as if they were words, and would wrap if I move the horizontal divider over som...

GWT .client and .server

Hi, I would like to ask what's in the .client file and what's in the .server file for GWT? I followed a couple of tutorials asking me to paste this code into .server and .client file but unsure what these files are for? Also it involves a XML file and CSS file. Does anyone know how these files interact with each other? Can anyone explain...

Is there any way of adding shortcut keys for MenuBar/MenuItem elements in GWT?

Hi everyone, I'm trying to add keyboard shortcuts to a GWT menu, same as in most windows applications (for example ALT + F, then O -> activates the "File" menu, then "Open" MenuItem ). I know it may conflict with browser shortcuts, so I'm interested in a way of disabling those too... From what I can see google has all kinds of shortcu...

Java to JavaScript Compiler

Besides GWT out there, are there other Java to JavaScript Compiler. Currently all my work is done in Java and I heard of Java2Script too. Anyone out there knows other Java to JavaScript? ...

Comparing GWT vs Echo2

I am currently proposed to do my web portal using GWT however I have researched that its closest competitors is Echo2. But what are the differences between them? ...

Relative path for the Subreport

Hi, I'm working with iReport 3.5.0, and I'm using a subreport inside my main report. I don't want to give the absolute path for the subreport expression, but for example if I just give "bpSubReport.jasper" as the subreport expression (because sub and main are in the same directory), then iReport can find bpSubReport.jasper and compile th...