
7 Card Poker Hand Evaluator

Hey, Does anyone know a fast algorithm for evaluating 7 card poker hands? Something which is more efficient than simply brute-force checking a every 21 5-card combination of hands from a set of 7. Cheers, Pete ...

problem with hand tracking, opencv

I am currently creating an opencv program that identifies a hand in an image and then gets the contour of the hand only, in order for us to get the center (x,y)m in pixels, of the hand. The problem is that whenever the image or video includes an arm or a face, we can't split or separate the hand from the contours of the arm or the face...

How to construct a language using hand gestures

Hi all: i am developing a programme which is capable of recognizing several hand gestures.Now the requirement need a language using the hand gestures.So, how can i construct one ? My current idea is using regular expression and Backus Naur Form to define the syntax,but i get stuck in the design. PLUS : the gestures is merely finger ...