
ruby handsoap documentation

Hi, Does anybody know some nice documentation about the ruby "handsoap" gem to get me started? Thanks ...

ruby handsoap wiredump

Hi, How can see the wiredump of a soap using the 'handsoap' library? I use the on_before_dispatch hook, and right now I am looking at the SoapService variables to see where such a request might be stored. Hmm.. I should also check out invoke to see which var. is using.. Do you have a quick solution? :D Thanks ...

Faking web requests in Rails test without Fakeweb

I'm using the Handsoap gem with Httpclient gem as the driver in a Rails app. How can I prevent network calls from Handsaop/Httpclient gems in test cases? FakeWeb doesn't support Httpclient. ...

Is there wsdl to ruby proxy code generators for savon or handsoap gems?

Based on their design philosophy, it sounds like they want gem users to hand code ruby proxy classes. I still feel that they could have provided generators. Any suggestions on how to generate maintainable ruby proxy classes for savon or handsoap? ...