
Can I use a ShareThis/AddThis Button if my site's navigation relies on Hash tags in the url?

I want to embed a ShareThis/AddThis button on my site but the site's navigation relies on Hash tags in the url. Each page is assigned a unique hash value (ie, http://domain.com/index.php#products). Changing the navigation/page design isn't an option. Will these service preserve the hash value (both embed JS on the page)? If they don't, w...

js error "_ci has no propeties" in firefox

I tried to implement a calender control into my web app. It works find in IE, but got error "_ci has no propeties" when running in firefox. document.writeln('<iframe name="__calendarIframe" id="__calendarIframe" width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="margin:0px;"><\/iframe>'); var __ci = window.frames['__calen...