
How to use the Really Simple History Javascript library?

Using Really Simple History http://code.google.com/p/reallysimplehistory/ When I use the following code, <body> <a href="#abc">abc</a> <a href="#abcd">abcd</a> <a href="#page=3&cat=4">page=3 cat=4</a> <a href="#page=3&cat=5">page=3 cat=5</a> <a href="#page=22&cat=33">page=22 cat=33</a> <script type="text/javascript" src="json2007.js"...

Ajaxify's History and Bookmarking not working on Chrome?

Ajaxify is quite a well known jQuery plugin. But I just used Chrome and try this page: http://max.jsrhost.com/ajaxify/demo.php for the New v2 features: History & Bookmarking. When I click on Link 1, 2, and 3, and click the back button on Chrome, the content is not refreshed. So for now, this feature doesn't work on Chrome? Is it be...

Why does Really Simple History Javascript library fire off event twice in IE but once on Firefox and Chrome?

The Really Simple History ( http://code.google.com/p/reallysimplehistory/ ) will fire off event once in Firefox and Chrome, but twice in IE (I am using IE 8). Does any one know why? <body> <a href="#abc">abc</a> <a href="#abcd">abcd</a> <a href="#page=3&cat=4">page=3 cat=4</a> <script type="text/javascript" src="json2007.js"></script...

How to show Ajax requests in URL?

What I want is to have links which change a part of the page , and a dynamic URL for it, where I can specify variables such like #calendar=10_2010tabview=tab2 Check this for an exact example: CLICK HERE FOR EXACT DEMO So here is the link format what I need: #calendar=10_2010&tabview=tab2 I need to have variables in the links like cal...

Toggling between 2 bookmarks (or see a page, and load another page from bookmark) won't work with jQuery History plugin

Anyone knows how to fix this jQuery History plugin? (for ajax history and bookmark) In http://github.com/tkyk/jquery-history-plugin/issues#issue/5 This is the details: My app using IE 8's IE 7 Compatibility Mode as well as http://www.serpere.info/jquery-history-plugin/samples/ajax, which is using IE 8's default mode, seem to have thi...

The best Ajax History and Bookmark plugin currently available

It seems that each Ajax History and Bookmark plugin has some minor bugs, ranging from Really Simple History http://code.google.com/p/reallysimplehistory/ jQuery History plugin http://www.mikage.to/jquery/history/rbbs.cgi?id=RA12733222240679954806&amp;focus=1 Ajaxify http://max.jsrhost.com/ajaxify/ The bug is either not firing off th...

Anybody know of this bug in jQuery Address plugin?

Using jQuery Address plugin, if i create 2 bookmarks on IE 7 or 8: http://www.asual.com/jquery/address/samples/api/#/section/?id=1&amp;name=n1&amp;name=n2 http://www.asual.com/jquery/address/samples/api/#/section/2 now i go to google.com (or any other website) first, and then i visit bookmark 1 above, and then bookmark 2 above, and cl...

Can someone who is very familiar with jQuery and Javascript confirm this jQuery History plugin fix?

The following is to fix a bug for this issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3242512/toggling-between-2-bookmarks-or-see-a-page-and-load-another-page-from-bookmark The code is: var IframeImpl = { // init: [...] check: function() { var current_iframeHash = iframeWrapper.get(); var current_mainHash = locati...

Searchable, book-markable jQuery AJAX

Here is my solution for this. I'd appreciate any criticisms so I can improve. Here is the markup: <div id="menu> <ul> <li><a rel="foo" href="folder/foo.html">Foo</a></li> <li><a rel="bar" href="folder/bar.html">Bar</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="ajax-content></div> And the jQuery using http://benalman.com/proje...

When using Ajax History and Bookmark, is it always good to use "#!" instead of just "#"?

Facebook is doing Ajax History (Back and Forward button) and Bookmark using #! instead of just # in the URL. Is it always a good idea to do that, because I was thinking that a usual anchor could interfere with the Ajax History mechanism to trigger it into processing a normal anchor. So, the Ajax History function will only process a has...

jQuery "window.location.hash" - getting hash too late?

I'm working on some script but it have a serious problem with hashes. I have a list of link-images like: <a href="#1"><img src="1.jpg" /></a> <a href="#1"><img src="2.jpg" /></a> <a href="#1"><img src="3.jpg" /></a> All I want to do is to load file files/#1.html after clicking the first image, files/#2.html after the second etc. Her...

JavaScript .hashchange performance. Can it bring any slowdown?

jQuery hashchange event For me it looks like most mature solution right now(please correct me if I'm wrong). I really like this plugin for manipulating with browsers hashes. It simplifies js code a lot in some cases. I really want to start use it extensively but I have a question for you. Accordingly to the source it uses loop and che...

What are my options for changing the querystring on a URL, and updating browser history?

Is there any way I can change the URL or add more history to the "back button" without having to refresh the entire page? My application is AJAX based and I'd like to add some "undo" events to history so that the user can simply hit back and retain the old values. What's possible today? I hear some of this may be in HTML5 but haven't ...

How do I add a browser history state?

So I see a lot of people recommend the hidden-iFrame hack that is jQuery history plugin but all I really need is the other half of this technique: function whenItemIsClicked() { window.location.hash = this.id; //some other stuff, like Ajax } //and then, if page is reloaded... $(document).ready(function(){ var loc = ...

Enabling the Back button to act as an 'undo' button in an Ajax app

Hello everyone. I have a problem with an Ajax app that I'm trying to get working with the browser's Back and Forward buttons. I am using the jQuery History plugin to enable the browser history. The app consists of a page of products. There is a sort bar that enables the user to sort products by various values. The user may select a prod...

Does onHashChange work in Safari?

Does onHashChange or hashChange work in Safari? I tested it with Safari 4.0.4 on Windows 7 and it doesn't work for me. If it doesn't work, is there any solution to track if the hash has changed? ...

Javascript : onHashchange Test

I'm trying to check if the browser supports onHashChange or not to hide some code from it if not, in this way: if(window.onhashchange){ ...code... } else { ...other code... } I tried this too: if(typeof window.onhashchange === "function"){ alert("Supports"); } else { alert("Doesn't Supports"); } As described on Q...