
How can I get rid of the "Can't locate object method "warn" via package "sssself" error in IE::Mechanize?

I'm playing around with the Win32::IE::Mechanize. I'm trying a script to automatically access six of my web-based email accounts. The script basically works but perl throws a kind of cryptic "Can't locate object method "warn" via package "sssself" (perhaps you forgot to load " sssself)" error. Despite the error, the script can still get ...

How to get key from the reference of a hash element

suppose $my_ref = \$hash{'mary'}; #my_ref is a reference point to a hash element. .... later on, how can I use $my_ref to retrieve the key of the hash element it point to? i.e how to get string 'mary' from $my_ref? I ask this question because I have several groups of user name list, some user names appear in multiple groups which consum...