
How to make hbm2ddl schemaExport to log schema to stdout?

A quote from persistence.xml: <persistence-unit name="test" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL"> <properties> <property name="hibernate.archive.autodetection" value="class" /> <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" /> <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true" /> <property name="hibern...

How I can quote tables using hibernate3-maven-plugin hbm2ddl?

I have a project I'm building with maven and I need to generate a schema using the hbm2ddl tool from hibernate3-maven-plugin. I need to create database with a table called Order like the SQL keyword and I don't know how to make maven to quote this table when it's generating the script. I've done a search and I found there is a property...

How to handle multiple database schema creation scripts with Maven?

I have an application in development that supports several databases including SQL*Server 2008, Oracle 10G, Oracle 11G, MYSQL 5, etc. Already within Maven I have done three things: 1) There is a profile for each database so that the system can use it for integration testing during the build. 2) Maven invokes the hibernate3 plugin to ...

Multiple JPA persistence units pointing to same database?

Can we have more than one JPA persistence units pointing to same database, in different Java projects and deployed on the server at the same time? By same time I mean, not deployed at the same second but deployed together. I am using a hsqldb database. I am having a client-server model for my project. I have one single unified database ...

How to create tables with hibernate recomandations.

Hi! I'm relatively new to hibernate technology, and want to create an application with that. I have read that is not recomanded to use "hibernate's creation tabels" option (hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto) for a production environment. Does that mean that i need to create first tables and after that my POJOs classes or this recomandations is onl...

HBM2DDL -- Create a database view instead of a Table?

All, Is there some setting that I can tell hbm2ddl to run a view creation statement instead of create a table when generating the database schema? I'm creating my database schema using the wonderful hbm2ddl tool, but I have one issue. I need to flatten some of the tables into views to aid searching the database, and hql would be over...