
How to map this link table in cf-orm?

A 1---* A_B *---1 B Table A has aID (PK), Table B has bID (PK), table A_B has: aID (PK, FK), bID (PK, FK), num I tried property name="A" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="A" fkcolumn="aID"; property name="B" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="B" fkcolumn="bID"; property name="num" type="numeric"; but CF keep asking me for an ID column... wha...

Using a named query in a hbm with import class

In my MSSQL server I have a SQL view called AllFavourite. In order to load the data into my DTO class I have the following in my hbm.xml file... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" namespace="Domain.Model.Entities" assembly="Domain.Model"> <import class="AllFavourite"/>...

How to generate hbm.xml file from FluentNHibernate

I'm trying to follow this tutorial but instead of generating the expected hbm.xml files with my mappings in it generates simple .cs class for my entities like for example: public class ProductMap : ClassMap<Product> But I already defined those myself in code. I'm after the .hbm.xml which I can use in standard NHibernate at this time. ...