
Location of Java dump heap file when using jconsole?

Well this is embarrassing ... I'm starting to play with the Eclipse Memory Analyzer to look for Java memory leaks on a Windows box. Step 1 is to obtain a heap dump file. To do this I start my Java (javaw.exe) process from within Eclipse and connect to it with jconsole. Then on the jconsole MBeans tab I click the dumpHeap button. The...

Tools available for debugging production Issues in Java applications

Hello, Just wondering what are various tools & techniques out there to debug production issues on Java applications. Like, What are the ways and tools to take thread dumps? What are the ways and tools to take heap dumps? What are the tools to analyse the above dumps? (Assumption all are in Linux/Unix environment) ...

Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer ???

I need to check my application for memory leaks, i also need to see the memory allocation of my application. I downloaded and installed eclipse memory analyzer, and it looks like the first step is to open a heap dump. But what is a heap dump, how can i create a heap dump. And how exactly am i going to use this software, I did some googli...

Finding objects having same values in heap dump

I want to reduce number of objects in memory. There may be many objects having same values. Is there way to find out all the objects which has same values in heap dump. ...

Can't dump heap on java process

Hi I have a java process which I want to debug. The problem with it is that it has too many open connections, so running jmap fails because it can't connect to process. Running jmap -F produces the next error: Attaching to process ID 1772, please wait... sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.NoSuchSymbolException: Could not find symbol "gHotSpotVMTy...

Eclipse memory allocation problem

Hi, I'm trying to analyse a ~800mb heap dump, which requires a bigger heap than the standard for my eclipse. however, when I go to the eclipse.ini file and set a -Xmx2g (or -Xmx2048m) I get an error "Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine". 1) yes, I have enough memory. 2) I can change it up to exactly -Xmx976m. 3) I've tried the st...

Hibernate: OOM-Exception, problem with IdentityMap?

Hi all, when loading lots of objects, I get a OOM-Exception. After analyzing the heap with a profiler, I see that there's a lot of memory in org/hibernate/util/IdentityMap which references a LinkedHashMap containing thousands of Entrys. What are those objects used for? I'm really thankful for all kinds of information... ...