
Heatmap Tools For Web Apps

I have a client that want to have a web app I'm building for them display heat maps of the data. I haven't worked with heat maps at all and I was wondering if anyone knew of some good tools for generating them. Thanks. ...

Easiest way to create a dynamic heatmap of the United States

Hello All, thanks for all the help the last few days. I'm hoping someone knows this one. I'm looking to dynamically create a heatmap of data based on user input, then color certain states based on the response. Like a poll for voting, for example. I'd like to do something like this... http://www.trulia.com/home_prices/ What is going to...

Cluster Heat Maps Library

Is there any Library in Java that has Cluster Heat Maps already implemented ? Can I use that Library in my code to generate a cluster heat map ? I am looking to plot cluster heat maps from gene expression data that I have. ...