
How compatible are rspec and heckle?

I'm currently using test/unit, and I'm considering using rspec. However, I've noticed that rspec currently doesn't support heckle in ruby 1.9.1, and doesn't support passing any parameters to heckle apart from the target module/class/method. Are there any other current problems with using heckle and rspec, or do they work well together a...

Can you ask ruby to treat warnings as errors?

Does ruby allow you to treat warnings as errors? One reason I'd like to do this is to ensure that if heckle removing a line of code means that a warning occurs, I have the option of ensuring that the mutant get killed. ...

Error running Heckle? `current_code': undefined method `translate' for Ruby2Ruby

Hi all, I'm trying to run Heckle, and I keep getting an error: > spec spec/controllers/my_controller_spec.rb --heckle MyController !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! exception= has a thick skin. There's nothing to heckle. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (R...