
Workaround for J2ME Hessian limitations ?

The official J2ME implementation of Hessian seems to have serious limitations : complex objects are not supported. This limitation is not mentioned anywhere on the online documentation, but if you google "hessian j2me" you will find posts about this problem. No solutions found with google though. Does anyone have a solution for this pro...

Getting started with Hessian

I have a new project that needs a good binary protocol. I was thinking of using Hessian, unless anyone has any better ideas. I was reading through some of their documentation and found it to not be quite as straightforward as I would have though, so I have a couple quick questions. The home page has a section titled "Documentation" th...

How can I integrate Java with .Net?

I have one SDK that is available in Java and another SDK that is available for .Net and would like to write a single application that interfaces with both of them. I imagine I will need to use a cross platform communication framework that can support named pipes (or other in memory communication), what is the best choice? After some mo...

Would you recommend Google Protocol Buffers or Caucho Hessian for a cross-language over-the-wire binary format?

Would you recommend Google Protocol Buffers or Caucho Hessian for a cross-language over-the-wire binary format? Or anything else, for that matter - Facebook Thrift for example? ...

With hessian in Java, how do you control instantiation?

I have a cache of objects (not the HTTP session attributes) and I want to be able to get an object from this cache when a Hessian request comes in and have Hessian execute the call on this object instead of the servlet. I can control the class that the request is executed on by setting the service-class and api-class init parameters on...

Which is better JETTY COMET implementation or Resin COMET implementation

We've been using JETTY's suspended servlet implementation to roll our own COMET web applications using JSON messages and XStream. Does anyone have experience with Resin's implementation of COMET and how they compare? Also more generically than COMET does anyone have suggestions on the best Java Suspended servlet 3.0 implementation. H...

How to have a Tomcat WebApp auto deploy sub services?

I've written a service framework using Hessian and want to keep URL's common but the flexability of auto-deploy. If i deploy a Service.war I can access it fine using /Service however, I want a general spot for all services. How could I have a seperate context where all services live and get auto-deployed. Exactly like how axis2.war do...

Is the Hessian class SerializerFactory thread-safe?

I'd like to use the Hessian (Java) serialization and need to create a SerializerFactory with custom serializers (to handle BigInteger). Can I create one of these and share it among threads? ...

ClassFormatError: 56 while using hessian in j2me

I am trying to use the hessian j2me implementation @ http://hessian.caucho.com/ using java me sdk 3.0. http://hessian.caucho.com/doc/hessian-overview.xtp#Hessian%20Client%20for%20a%20cell-phone mentions the usage for j2me. The application builds without any errors/warning. But, the moment the line where MicroHessianOutput is instantia...

Interoperability by using Spring and Hessian ? Is it possible ?

Hi, Spring in Action book says: Hessian, like RMI, uses binary messages to communicate between client and service. However, unlike other binary remoting technologies (such as RMI), the binary message IS PORTABLE to languages other than Java, including PHP, Python, C++, and C#. (316) Can you give me some advice how can i get it ? T...

What's new in Hessian 4.0?

The Hessian web page doesn't reveal much about the new versions. ...

How to set timeout in hessian c sharp

I am using Hessian C# client in my project to talk to a Hessian Java server. using hessiancsharp.client; String url = ""; CHessianProxyFactory factory = new CHessianProxyFactory(); I didn't find a timeout option for the Hessian C# client (unlike the setReadTimeout in the Hessian Java client). Can anybody ...

Hessian Web service invocation from a JavaFX Applet

Hi, I'm trying to invoke a Hessian Web Service from a JavaFX applet. I know it needs some reflection permissions so I signed it myself for testing but even then it doesn't work. The browser asks me if I accept the certificate, I click yes but I receive the permission exceptions anyway: com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianRuntimeException:...

Spring + Hessian on Tomcat

Hello. I have a task to write a web service with use of Hessian and Spring. Unfortunately there is not enough information so i can't make it work myself... Please can anyone write a simple Hello World for me? My version always shows 404 when accesing with browser... I'm new to java so if smb knows how to help tell me what files of my ...

Hessian on Windows Phone 7/ Silverlight ??

Hi, I'm using hessian protocol for communication betwee server (java) and various client applications. Now I started to develop Windows Phone 7 client. I downloaded hessian C# implementation but it does not compile for windows phone 7/silverlight. Does anyone managed to make it work on WP7/Silverlight? It's looks like there is many th...

Spring + iBatis + Hessian caching

Hi. I have a Hessian service on Spring + iBatis working on Tomcat. I'm wondering how to cache results... I've made the following config in my sqlmap file: <sqlMap namespace="Account"> <cacheModel id="accountCache" type="MEMORY" readOnly="true" serialize="false"> <flushInterval hours="24"/> <flushOnExecute statement="Account.a...

How to use Hessian in iphone?

Hello, Is there any one who can help me to understand how we can implement Hessian protocol in iPhone. I have Hessian kit, but its not that straightforward as I thought. Please help me, either by Hello World example or some link which explain Hessian implementation. Thanks ...

How to decleare custom protocol in iPhone

Hi, I want to use a protocol, how can we implement it in iPhone. ///In POCViewController.h #import @protocol BasicAPI -(NSString*)hello; @end @interface HessianPOCViewController : UIViewController { idbasicAPI; } @end /// // In POCViewController.m // In Some method NSURL* url = [NSURL ...

Hessian with large binary data (java)

Hi! I'am looking for a complete example of large binary data transfer with Hessian (java) caucho implementation. Where can I found one ? Zig ...

Method execution from Javascript of a JavaFx applet function.

Hi, I've got a JavaFx applet running in my web application. This applet has several functions that I want to invoke from my web page, so I have some buttons that execute methods inside the applet. Those work fine, all but one of them. This one has to invoke a hessian service in the server to retrieve some data. I've debugged it and I've...