
How to separate virus signatures in a virus signature file

I am doing an anti-virus project, I have a signature file and I want to separate the signatures in it. It is all beside each other and in hex, is there is a delimiter or something?? Thank you for your help. Abdelrahman. ...

How to test a byte against a hex value?

I want to test if the byte I read from a data file is 0xEE, what should I do? I tried if (aChar == 0xEE) but doesn't seems working. thanks for any help ...

How convert byte to decimal?

Hi... Please guide me how make convert that input to decimal.tq. BF C2 FF 12 65 E4 EE 17 BF C2 64 F2 41 84 11 C1 C4 38 41 14 10 C1 04 10 49 04 18 41 06 72 B5 FF 17 BF C2 64 72 41 84 11 C1 85 19 C1 07 17 7D C2 5F 3D 5E FD DE 57 FD 10 E1 94 30 B5 FF 17 BF C2 FF 12 65 CC 76 17 BF C2 FF 12 69 FC 77 ...

Convert from hexadecimal to binary C++

This kind of builds up on Already asked question... However here, say, I'm given a hexadecimal input which could be a max of '0xFFFF' I'll need it converted to binary, so that I'd end up with a max of 16 bits. I was wondering if using 'bitset' it'd be quite simple.. Any ideas? EDIT : After getting answers, improvised piece of code he...

Question on converting decimal to binary to hex

I'm a little confused here: I'm trying to reverse engineer the ASCII value 65. In the book I am reading it says: Decimal: 65 Hex: 41 Octal: 101 But 65 in its binary representation is: 0010 0001 And 0010 in hex is 2, while 0001 is 1, which indicates that the hex value "should" be: 21. Where did I go wrong? ...

Where did the octal/hex notations come from?

After all of this time, I've never thought to ask this question; I understand this came from c++, but what was the reasoning behind it: Specify decimal numbers as you normally would Specify octal numbers by a leading 0 Specify hexadecimal numbers by a leading 0x Why 0? Why 0x? Is there a natural progression for base-32? ...

How To Remove Characters?

I'm start(really starting) an Assembly tool, at the time it only converts a decimal to a hexadecimal, but I want to remove the zeros from the result. Here is the code: // HexConvert.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int decNumber; while (true) { cout << "Enter the decimal number: "; cin...

Mac address ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff in C (hex)

How do I write the MAC address ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff as a char[] in C? Do I just do char macaddress[6] = "%0xFF%0xFF%0xFF%0xFF%0xFF%0xFF"; I'm not sure. Thanks! ...

Service/App for viewing a Webpage as hex straight off the wire?

Are there any tools/websites/utilities for viewing a website in hex as it comes strait off the wire? I'm getting some strange non-printing characters back from somebody else's C++ code and I want to identify the characters to find out where they are comming from. I'm concerned that writing the file to disk messes with the characters ...

jboss 4.3 DatabaseServerLoginModule doesn't work if passwords are MD5 and hex-ed

I have a problem with authorization when my login-conf is <login-module code="org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule" flag="optional"> <module-option name="dsJndiName">java:/myDS</module-option> <module-option name="hashAlgorithm">MD5</module-option> <module-option name="hashEncoding">hex</module-option> <...

How to convert string to hexadecimal integer in Python?

hi I get user argv from command line as follows: '0x000aff00' and I want python to treat it as hex directly... str = sys.argv[1] how is it possible? thanks! ...

Python hexadecimal comparison

Hey guys, I got a problem I was hoping someone could help me figure out! I have a string with a hexadecimal number = '0x00000000' which means: 0x01000000 = apple 0x00010000 = orange 0x00000100 = banana All combinations with those are possible. i.e., 0x01010000 = apple & orange How can I from my string determine what fruit it ...

hex number of length 128 which is to be converted to binary in c#

private static string GetSHA512(string strPlain) { UnicodeEncoding UE = new UnicodeEncoding(); byte[] HashValue, MessageBytes = UE.GetBytes(strPlain); SHA512Managed SHhash = new SHA512Managed(); string strHex = ""; HashValue = SHhash.ComputeHash(MessageBytes); foreach (byte b in HashValue) { ...

Find HEX patterns and number of occurrences

Hi, I'd like to find patterns and sort them by number of occurrences on an HEX file I have. I am not looking for some specific pattern, just to make some statistics of the occurrences happening there and sort them. DB0DDAEEDAF7DAF5DB1FDB1DDB20DB1BDAFCDAFBDB1FDB18DB23DB06DB21DB15DB25DB1DDB2EDB36DB43DB59DB32DB28DB2ADB46DB6FDB32DB44DB40D...

Python: List to Hex

I am writing a small forensics python app and I am having trouble converting a List entry to Hex. I have tried the encode/decode methood but get bogus conversions or odd-length string Type Errors. I have pasted the code below, and as you can see I need the address in hex, so I can add the count to it. def location_finder(line): coun...

How to write a HEX string into a file as HEX using REXX..

I have a string 'RAJA' which should be written into a file as HEX data. Here are sample codes which help me to describe the issue. Case(a) name = 'RAJA' name = C2X(name) /* Hex value = '52414A41' */ QUEUE name. Output to the file: 52414A41 But if we use HEX data directly to write into file it's working fine Case(b) name = '52414A...

show button if cursor is between two strings in a textbox (VB.net)

Basically I have a series of lines in a textbox like this: ### = 1232, 1234, 1236, 1238, 123A, 123C ; comment here I want to show a button when the caret (cursor pipe thing) in the textbox goes is in a number so like: ... , 12|31, .... or ... , 123|1, .... etc (the pipe being the caret) I have written code to check if it is in a numbe...

C# HEX Value to IntPtr

Hi all. I have a hex value to a window i found using Spy++. the value is: 00010010 Thanks to an answer to a question i asked earlier, i have this code: IntPtr hwndf = this.Handle; IntPtr hwndParent = FindWindow("WINDOW HERE", null); ; SetParent(hwndf, hwndParent); this.TopMost = false; Now, as far as i understand it, IntPtr hwndPa...

C++ Hex Parsing

I'm wondering how to convert a hex string to a human readable string (if that makes any sense) this would be my first real encounter with hex values so I'm still learning about them and how to manage them. I have a program which is reading in data from a file which contains raw packet data (hex) and I need to parse this information so i...

How to get raw jpeg data (but no metatags / proprietary markers)

I want to get raw jpeg data - no metadata. I'm very confused looking at the jpeg "standards". How correct is my understanding of the marker "tree"? 0xFFD8 - Identifies the file as an image 0xFFE? - EXIF, JFIF, SPIFF, ICC, etc 0x???? - the length of the tag 0xFFD8 - Start of Image 0xFFE0 - should follow SOI as p...