
How to specify connection release modes in Hibernate?

How to specify connection release modes in Hibernate? Thanks, ...

Hibernate NamingStrategy implementation that maintains state between calls

Hi, I'm working on a project where we use Hibernate and JBoss 5.1. We need our entity classes to be mapped to Oracle tables that follow a certain naming convention. I'd like to avoid having to specify each table and column name in annotations. Therefore, I'm currently considering implementing a custom implementation of org.hibernate.cfg...

Lightest Database to be packed with an application

I am developing a Java Desktop Application and want a light database that can be used with Hibernate and that can be packed with an application. I was going to use Derby database. It's size is near 2 MB. But before that I wanted to have views of experts on SO. Will it work with Hibernate? Actually, I am new to Hibernate and was studyi...

How to deal with the Hibernate hql multi-join query result in an Object-Oriented Way?

How to deal with the Hibernate hql multi-join query result in an Object-Oriented Way? As I see it returns a list of Objects. yes, it is tricky and only you who write the query know what should the query return (what objects). But are there ways to simplify things, so that it returned specific objects with no need in casting Object to a...

Database connection via Hibernate in servlets

What is the best place in servlet for Hibernate code that returns HibernateSessionFactory ? I saw many examples: ones put db connection in service methods. Others - use smth like HibernateUtil (Singleton) that returns HibernateSessionFactory. I don't know is it safe to use HibernateUtil in multithreaded Servlets ? ...

Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V

Hiii.... I am developing small spring application. I have to store the details of the student information in the database. I have develop one simpleformcontroller.I have used netbeans + hibernate mapping + spring. when I deploy the project,the following errors is occured. please help me.. Thanks in advance..... My spring-c...

null pointer exception at org.hibernate.tuple.AbstractEntityTuplizer.createProxy

I am using hibernate 3.2 with struts 1.2 framework here is the details of versions hibenate3.2,asm-2.2.3,cglib-2.1.3 I got this exception when i m trying to load the object I am using this code to load the object public Currentprofile findById(java.lang.String id) { log.debug("getting Currentprofile instance with id: " + id); ...

Hibernate Criteria query on association

Hi There, How would I go about executing the following Hibernate query using the criteria API. I have an object Parent with List children. I would like to search through all parents and find which parents contain a specified child. i.e. List<Parent> findParents(Child child); Thanks. ...

How can you remove a criterion from criteria?

Hello, For instance if I do something like: Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Book.class) .add(Expression.ge("release",reDate); .add(Expression.ge("price",price); .addOrder( Order.asc("date") ) .setFirstResult(0) .setMaxResults(10); c.list(); How can I use the same cr...

Querying and ordering results of a database in grails using transient fields

I'm trying to display paged data out of a grails domain object. For example: I have a domain object Employee with the properties firstName and lastName which are transient, and when invoking their setter/getter methods they encrypt/decrypt the data. The data is saved in the database in encrypted binary format, thus not sortable by those ...

Hibernate - One design problem

I am learning Hibernate from the tutorials on JBoss website. I have a confusion in a code example located here. There is a Cat class code at 4.1. A simple POJO example. This Cat class has a reference to his mother as private Cat mother; Q1. If the class has an identifier property as id, then wouldn't it be better to store the cat's mo...

ACL architechture for a Software As a service in Spring 3.0

I am making a software as a service using Spring 3.0 (Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Roo, Hibernate) I have to come up with a flexible access control list mechanism.I have three different kinds of users System (who can do any thing to the system, includes admin and internal daemons) Operations (who can add and delete users, orga...

Problem updating collection using JPA

I have an entity class Foo foo that contains Collection<Bar> bars. I've tried a variety of ways, but I'm unable to successfully update my collection. One attempt: foo = em.find(key); foo.getBars().clear(); foo.setBars(bars); em.flush; \\ commit, etc. This appends the new collection to the old one. Another attempt: foo = em.find...

Using Lite Version of Entity in nHibernate Relations?

Is it a good idea to create a lighter version of an Entity in some cases just for performance reason pointing to same table but with fewer columns mapped. E.g If I have a Contact Table which has 50 Columns and in few of the related entities I might be interested in FirstName and LastName property is it a good idea to create a lightweight...

When using spring and hibernate, how are sessions/transactions handled?

when using hibernate with spring, can someone explain how the session unit of work and transactions are handled? is the transaction started at the beginning of the page request, and committed at the end? can I have multiple db calls per request, that each have different transaction levels? e.g. some are left as default, while others ar...

How to point to other table's ID with hibernate?

The problem: let's say I have two tables Client, and Product, in which Client has its primary key and a column called products (that points to pk's in Product table)... ok, if I need products to point only one row, it's nice, but if I need it to point for... 1000 rows in Product table, the products column would have to be larger enough.....

Unable to reference Hibernate 3.2.5.ga javadocs within NetBeans 6.8

How can I make the Hibernate javadocs available within the NetBeans coding window. I have followed these steps so far and the javadoc fails to appear Select Tools\Libraries Select Hibernate Select the Javadoc tab Select the Add ZIP/Folder button Selected the jar file ...

Hibernate - Problem in parsing mapping file (.hbm.xml)

I am new to Hibernate. I have an exception while running an Hibernate-based application. The exception is as follows: 16 [main] INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - Hibernate 3.3.2.GA 16 [main] INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - hibernate.properties not found 16 [main] INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - Bytecode provider name : java...

Hibernate: hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update show generated sql

I wish to pass to Hibernate's SessionFactory hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=update and see in log file generated sql statements. Is it possible w/o java coding (know how to achieve the result with SchemaExport, but hope that hibernate has "in box" solution) ...

Hibernate - How to store java.net.URL into a database through Hibernate

I have a field URL countryURL; in a Country class. I want to store its data into a COUNTRY table in a database through Hibernate. Which Hibernate type I should use in the hibernate mapping file <property column="COUNTRY_URL" name="countryURL" type="..."/> It is not excepting string and text type. ...