
JPA Cascade delete.

Hi, I am new to JPA/Hibernate. Currently using EJB3, Hibernate/JPA. I have an inheritacnce structure as follows.. @Entity @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "form_type") @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @GenericGenerator(name = "FORMS_SEQ", strategy = "sequence-identity", parameters = @Parameter(name = "sequence", value = "FO...

Seam 2.x and Hibernate 3.5?

Does anyone know if Hibernate 3.5 is supported under Seam 2.x (specifically 2.2.x)? I'm very interested in some of the JPA 2 features, particularly query building, but work within the Seam framework. Is this version of the library supported? Thanks in advance! ...

JPA Entity Manager resource handling

Every time I call JPA method its creating entity and binding query. My persistence properties are: <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect"/> <property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" value="net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.SingletonEhCacheProvider"/> <property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_...

Geeting internal Oracle connection from Hibernate in JBoss

Hello, I need to set an application context through Hibernate. I found there is a method setApplicationContext on oracle.jdbc.internal.OracleConnection. I wrote a test, in which I was getting the Oracle connection from the Hibernate session and it worked fine. However, when I moved the code to my application running under JBoss where co...

Non-empty list with null elements returned from Hibernate query

Hi, I'm new to hibernate so not sure if this is an expected behaviour, anyway: Session session = (Session)entityManager.getDelegate(); Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(myRequest.class); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("username", username)); criteria.setProjection(Projections.max("accesscount")); List<myRequest> results = crite...

JPA: Database Generated columns

I am facing an issue with Hibernate and JPA. My requirement is column CreatedDTTM and LastUPDATEDDTTM should be populated at the DB level. I have tried following but no use. My columns are set NOT NULL. I get a "cannot insert Null into LastUpdatedDttm" exception. Any guidance is appreciated. @Column(name="LAST_UPDATED_DTTM", insertable=...

How to know if a detached JPA entity has already been persisted or not ?

I have a JPA entity instance in the web UI layer of my application. I'd like to know at anytime if this entity has been already persisted in database or if it is only present in the user session. It would be in the business layer, I would use entitymanager.contains(Entity) method, but in my UI layer I think I need an extra attribute ind...

Updatable false behvior incosistent

I need LastUpdatedDttm to be updated by SYSDATE whenever record is updated. But below annoataions do nt work as desired. SYSDATE is inserted only once and not updated for subsequent updations. Also, lastUpdDTTM is not part of sql generated by hibernate. @Generated(GenerationTime.ALWAYS) @Column(name="LAST_UPDATED_DTTM",insertable=false,...

Hibernate CreateSQL Query Problem

Hello All I'm trying to use hibernates built in createsql function but it seems that it doesn't like the following query. List =hibernateSession.createSQLQuery("SELECT number, location FROM table WHERE other_number IN (SELECT f.number FROM table2 AS f JOIN table3 AS g on f.number = g.number WHERE g.other_number = " + var + ") ORDER...

Hibernate query cache automatically refreshed on external update?

I'm creating a service that has read-only access to the database. I have a query cache and a second level cache enabled (READ_ONLY mode) in Hibernate to speed up the service, as the tables being accessed change rarely. My question is, if someone goes into the DB and changes the tables manually (i.e. outside of Hibernate), does the cach...

Hibernate: delete many-to-many association

I have two tables with the many-to-many association. — DB fragment: loads Id Name sessions Id Date sessionsloads LoadId SessionId — Hibernate mapping fragments: /* loads.hbm.xml */ <set name="sessions" table="sessionsloads" inverse="true"> <key column="LoadId" /> <many-to-many column="SessionId" class="Session" /> </set> ...

Hibernate Query Exception

I've got a hibernate query I'm trying to get working but keep getting an exception with a not so helpful stack trace. I'm including the code, the stack trace, and hibernate chatter before the exception is thrown. If you need me to include the entity classes for MessageTarget and GrpExclusion let me know in comments and I'll add them. ...

Seam/Hibernate and PostgreSQL -- Any issues?

I'm currently working on a project that makes use of Seam/Hibernate (JPA) on MySQL. I'm reconsidering moving towards PostgreSQL after investigating some of the features that it provides. My question is, is there anything I need to worry about with this configuration? Limitations? Gotchas? Things to watch out for? There will be some...

Optional one-to-one mapping in Hibernate

How do I create an optional one-to-one mapping in the hibernate hbm file? For example, suppose that I have a User and a last_visited_page table. The user may or may not have a last_visited page. Here is my current one-to-one mapping in the hbm file: User Class: <one-to-one name="lastVisitedPage" class="LastVisitedPage" cascade="save-up...

Hibernate: update on parent-child relationship causes duplicate children

I have a parent child relationship in which the parent has a collection of children (a set to be specific). The child collection is setup with cascade="all-delete-orphan". When I initially save the parent element everything works as expected. However, when I update the parent and save again, all the children are re-saved. This behavior ...

Can I create many tables according to the same entity?

What I want to do is that I want to make the many tables dinamically which are the same entity structures. And then I want to refer to the dinamically created tables according to the table name. What I understood from hibernate reference is that I can only create only one table and it should be matched exactly with entity. So I can't fin...

Hibernate deletion issue

I'm trying to write a Java app that imports a data file. The process is as follows Create Transaction Delete all rows from datatable Load data file into datatable Commit OR Rollback if any errors were encountered. The data loaded in step 3 is mostly the same as the data deleted in step3. The deletion is performed using the followin...

How to get search results in grails if you have the domain (model) name stored in a string

I have a method which has domain name as a String parameter. def modelName="Equity" I want to use it like def results=modelName.findAll() Please guide me! ...

hibernate empty collection in component

I have a component mapped using Hibernate. If all fields in the component in the database are null, the component itself is set to null by hibernate. This is the expected behavior and also what I need. The problem I have, is that when I add a bag to that component, the bag is initialized to an empty list. This means the component has a ...

Best way to detect duplicates when using Spring Hibernate Template

We have an application which needs to detect duplicates in certain fields on create. We are using Hibernate as our persistence layer and using Spring's HibernateTemplate. My question is whether it is better to do so an upfront lookup for the item before creating, or to attempt to catch the DataIntegrityViolation exception and then chec...