
Hibernate Query Language Problem

Well, I have implemented a distinct query in hibernate. It returns me result. But, while casting the fields are getting interchanged. So, it generates casting error. What should be the solution? As an example, I do have database, "ProjectAssignment" that has three fields, aid, pid & userName. I want all distinct userName data from this ...

derby + hibernate ConstraintViolationException using manytomany relationships

Hi, I'm new to Hibernate+Derby... I've seen this issue mentioned throughout the google, but have not seen a proper resolution. This following code works fine with mysql, but when I try this on derby i get exceptions: ( each Tag has two sets of files and vise-versa - manytomany) Tags.java @Entity @Table(name="TAGS") public class Tags ...

Will hibernate java programs have no sql code?

I haven't worked with hibernate. I have little bit of experience in java. I was going through source of a beast of an java application created by Oracle(Retail Price Management). I was expecting a lot of sql code embedded in there as the application makes heavy use of database. But to my surprise, NO embedded SQL code! so far. I found th...

Java, Hibernate annotations, How to add methods to POJO object?

I am using hibernate annotations. How to add methods to POJO object? For example i have "getChildNodes" method, associated with database, but i want also add recursive method "getAllChildNodes". I get "org.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: Could not find a setter for property progress in class" exception when i do it. ...

Hibernate Schema Validation Fails on Oracle Table Synonyms

I'm developing a Java web application that uses Hibernate (annotations-based) for persisting entities to an Oracle 11g database. The DBA created synonyms for the tables and requested that I use these synonyms instead of the physical tables. (Eg: Table "Foo" has synonym "S_Foo") If I have "hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto=validate" enabled, then ...

Accessing inter-schema tables and relations in hibernate

There is a typical situation being faced where different tables are scattered through different schemas in Oracle database and they are related to each other (encompassing all different types of relations). How can they be represented in Hibernate using annotations as when a sessionfactory handle is created for one schema, tables in tha...

Problem creating JPA EntityMananger in Spring Context

I have a JPA/Spring application that uses Hibernate as the JPA provider. In one portion of the code, I have to manually create a DAO in my application with the new operator rather than use Spring DI. When I do this, the @PersistenceContext annotation is not processed by Spring. In my code where I create the DAO I have an EntityManager...

Postgresql 8.4 reading OID style BLOBs with Hibernate

I am getting this weird case when querying Postgres 8.4 for some records with Blobs (of type OIDs) with Hibernate. The query does return all right but when my code wants to read the content of the BLOB with the simple code below, it gets 0 bytes back public static byte[] readBlob(Blob blob) throws Exception { InputStream is = null; ...

Javassist failure in hibernate: invalid constant type: 60

I'm creating a cli tool to manage an existing application. Both the application and the tests build fine and run fine but despite that I receive a javassist failure when running my cli tool that exists within the jar: INFO: Bytecode provider name : javassist ... INFO: Hibernate EntityManager 3.5.1-Final Exception in thread "main" javax....

How to specify pessimistic lock with Criteria API?

I am retrieving a list of objects in hibernate using Criteria API. However I need lock on those objects as another thread executing at the same time will get the exact objects and only one of the thread will succeed in absence of a pessimistic lock. I tried like below, but it is not working. List esns=session.createCriteria(Reddy_Pool...

Compass - Lucene Full text search. Structure and Best Practice.

Hi, I have played about with the tutorial and Compass itself for a bit now. I have just started to ramp up the use of it and have found that the performance slows drastically. I am certain that this is due to my mappings and the relationships that I have between entities and was looking for suggestions about how this should be best done...

Using EhCache for session.createCriteria(...).list()

I'm benchmarking the performance gains from using a 2nd level cache in Hibernate (enabling EhCache), but it doesn't seem to improve performance. In fact, the time to perform the query slightly increases. The query is: session.createCriteria(MyEntity.class).list(); The entity is: @Entity @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTR...

Generate service layer with Hibernate

I generate .hbm.xml mapping files and .java files from the DB schema, with Hibernate Tools. My question is, that is there any option, to generate service classes also? These are the classes where I implement the store(), find(), delete(), etc... methods. I know that for C# there are many solutions to generate almost everything. I'm look...

Two entities with @ManyToOne should join the same table

I have the following entities Student @Entity public class Student implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; //getter and setter for id } Teacher @Entity public class Teacher implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Lo...

NetBeans generates JpaController with errors

Hi, I am using NetBeans 6.8 for building Spring MVC application. Technologies : Spring MVC 2.5 Derby DB Hibernate for ORM GlassFish v3 server I use New JPA Controller Classes from Entity Classes for adding ORM file. It is supposed to generate class for managing queries with my POJO files. Problem is, that NetBeans generates follow...

[java bean]hibernate Session breaks a java bean?

Hi all, i have a simple JPanel bean in my projects, now i want to drag my panel bean class into my jframe. My panel bean class is like this: public class BeanPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel { /** Creates new form BeanPanel */ public BeanPanel () { initComponents(); Session session=HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession...

Hibernate - how to create list of pojos?

I am very new to Hibernate. I have MySQL database and mapped pojos. What should I do next? I know little bit LINQ to SQL from .NET, and it generates me List of mapped objects. So basically, what are my next steps after creating POJOS if I want to have List of them and do CRUD operations upon them and data will be also saved in DB not on...

Hibernate, Spring and SLF4J Binding

Hi, I'm trying to setup a webapp with maven2 managed dependcies. Here my pom.xml <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd"&gt; <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId...

error initializing multiple configuration files

Hi, during initialization startup on tomcat, the configurations are: a webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml that imports yummy-servlet.xml in contextConfigLocation (although i'm aware that is not required since the servlet-name is yummy it will try to load yummy-servlet.xml by default) a webapp/WEB-INF/yummy-servlet.xml that imports a spring/applic...

Using OpenSessionInViewInterceptor with Hibernate and JSF 2

I'm building an application in Hibernate, Spring and JSF2 using only annotations. How can I take advantage of OpenSessionInViewInterceptor found in Spring to catch any hibernate session that might open within a bean? I'm trying to elegantly solve the common “failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: your.Class.assocation no se...