
Books/articles/recommendations on how to write a tool to migrate database data from one version of a Hibernate enabled Java application to the next

We develop and support and application that uses Hibernate as an Object-Relational Mapping tool to persist our Java objects into the database. Unfortunately, there have been some changes in object model, and thus the database schema, between OurApp 1.0 and OurApp 2.0. So, we would like to write an automated tool to migrate the data from ...

OneToMany Annotated Collection Not Persisting via Hibernate

I currently am trying to persist a collection using @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL) for a simple list of objects. The table for Parent_Child gets created in MySQL but the keys for each object are not updated upon using SaveOrUpdate. Any idea what the issue is? (My parent key is defined and the children are generated). I add the child...

hibernate- composite key configuration

I have two tables with parent/child relation. Child have a table with two columns. Originally Primary key value of child table was same as parent tables Primary key value. I have defined it in child table’s hbm like this.. <id name="c1" type="int"> <column name="column1"/> <generator class="foreign"/> <param name="prop...

Why is maven not packaging my hibernate-mapping file?

I'm using Maven 2 and Hibernate for a Java web app. I have a Hibernate-mapping file, Domain.hbm.xml in the same source folder with several domain classes. If I run mvn clean package I find that this file is not copied into the war file in the target folder. However, if I do only mvn clean and then go to eclipse and select Clean from t...

What happens if you don't roll back a transaction in Hibernate?

Everything I read about Hibernate states that you must roll back a transaction and close the session when an error occurs, and there's usually some variation of the following code (taken from Hibernate's docs) given as an example: Session sess = factory.openSession(); Transaction tx = null; try { tx = sess.beginTransaction(); //...

Many-to-many one way mapping and use only two tables

I have two entities: Project, Employee Employee has primary key {employeeId} + some other attributes Project has primary key {projectId} Code: public class Employee { Long employeeId; String name; } public class Project { Long projectId; Collection<Employee> employees; } Employee and Project is a one way many-to-many ...

Hibernate inverse one to many mapping does not seem to properly handle item removal from Java list

Two classes: <class name="SpreadsheetImportTemplate" table="spreadsheetimport_template"> <id name="id" type="int" column="id" unsaved-value="0"> <generator class="native" /> </id> <property name="name" type="java.lang.String" column="name" not-null="true" length="100" /> <many-to-one name="creator" class="org.openmrs.U...

@ManyToMany of two entities with composite keys that share a field

Two entities: public class Employee { Company company; Long employeeId; } public class Project { Company company; Long projectId; Collection<Employee> employees; } Three tables: Project whose primary key is {companyId,projectId} Employee whose primary key is {companyId,employeeId} Project_Employee whose primary key is {co...

Spring+JPA+Hibernate+Oracle insert query showing but data not inserting into DB

Help to solve this issue: Spring+JPA+Hibernate+Oracle insert query showing but data not inserting into DB : One to One relationship, here query for One table is showing second table insert query not showing, also data not inserting into DB. ...

Hiberate mapping type and saved Type

I have Class CustomDate and that is referred in other class called Test. public class CustomDate{ public String toString(){ return "20100829" } } public class Test{ CustomDate date; } In Mapping file of Test <property name="date" COLUMN="DATE"> I want to save only long value and type should be long type and i s...

Stop Hibernate console output, without log4j

As sad in the title i want to stop Hibernate console output, without using log4j. I have tried to use log4j but i havent got anywhere. What i want is the console INFO outputs to stop. And if i am using log4j is it possible to do it without .properties or .xml files, just set the settings in the source. tnx ...

Basic Hibernate/JPA Mapping question

I have to tables I want to map to each other. I want to populate 2 drop down lists: code_r and code_l. When i choose a value from code_r, code_l should display only certain records. In my database I have 2 tables: Table code_r =================== CODE INT LIBELLE VARCHAR And Table code_l =================== ID ...

How to change name of Hibernate Tools reverse engineerd DAO class?

Hi, So im trying to use Hibernate Tools to reverse engineer my database and I am just getting into using Freemarker templates to weak the code it generates. The problem is I want to change the name of the DAO classes it generates. By default the DAO classes are named in the form PersonHome however to change the name to PersonDAO i modif...

Hibernate is not auto creating sequencies to database when using auto creating of tables

I want to create my database tables automatically with Hibernate and Postgresql, but I get errors about sequences. Is it possible to auto create sequences too with Hibernate, or do I have generate sequences manually? Example of my entity: import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence...

HowTo implement "update" in Hibernate JPA2

Hi all Could someone provide a simple example that demonstrates how to implement a simple "update" method? This one does not update @Override public void update(final BS bs) { BS fullBs = em.find(BS.class, bs.getId()); BS merged = this.em.merge(fullBs); this.em.flush(); } Thanks ER ...

Spring and Hibernate configuration

Here is my hibernate config, but for some reason it fails to load those properties that I have added to <property name="hibernateProperties"> and log says in startup that INFO org.hibernate.cfg.Environment - hibernate.properties not found. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"...

org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

Hi Friends, I am new to this forum. I am facing a strange problem. I get below mentioned stack trace though the data gets inserted successfully. Hibernate: select attendee_.attendeeId, attendee_.attendeeName as attendee2_1_ from attendee attendee_ where attendee_.attendeeId=? Hibernate: select attendee_.attendeeId, attendee_.attendee...

are hibernate applications domain driven?

If I'm developing a hiberante application, am I also developing a DD model? My application does have a service layer ( which is in lines with the Observer pattern). Will there also be a Domain Layer wherein all the hibernate entities exist? I'm looking my application somehting like this: Do I need to know Domain Driven Design to wri...

how can i automatically generate a non id value in hibernate?

I am using hibernate annotations, spring, a sessionFactory and defining everything in a context.xml (like so..) <bean id="mySessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource" ref="myDataSource" /> <property name="annotatedClasses"> <...

Hibernate @generatedvalue for HSQLDB

I have the following definition for an id field in an entity that is mapped to a table in HSQLDB. ... @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) @Column(name = "ID") private Integer id; ... But this does not seem to generate the an unique id; instead an attempt is made to insert null into the column which results in failure. If...