Dynamic mapping in hibernate?
Actually I am looking for something like this: u alter the table in db (say u increase one column); it should be reflected in the front end wihtout hardcoding the mapping file... thanks for help.. ...
Actually I am looking for something like this: u alter the table in db (say u increase one column); it should be reflected in the front end wihtout hardcoding the mapping file... thanks for help.. ...
I would like to know which are the weak points of Hibernate 3. This is not pretended to be a thread against Hibernate. I think it will be a very useful knowledge for decide if Hibernate is the best option for a project or for estimating its time. A weakness can be: A bug Where JDBC or PLSQL are better Performance issues ... Also, ca...
I have a select query which takes 10 min to complete as it runs thru 10M records. When I run thru TOAD or program using normal JDBC connection I get the results back, but while running a Job which uses Hibernate as ORM does not return any results. It just hangs up ...even after 45 min? Please help ...
I have encountered a strange error with hibernate, most likely due to improper use of it, but I was wondering if there is any way to find the root cause of it and perhaps remedy it. Currently I have a class hierarchy that looks like: @Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED) @Table(name = "tbl_class_a) public ClassA { ...
Hi guys, After upgrading from Spring 3.0.0.M4 to 3.0.0.RC1 and Spring Security 3.0.0.M2 to 3.0.0.RC1, I've had to use a security:authentication-manager tag instead of defining an _authenticationManager like I used to in M4/M2. I've done my best at defining it, and ended up with this: <security:authentication-manager alias="authenticati...
I added the following annotation to enable cache to one of my EJB3 entities, to test caching with ehCache, where I use Hibernate as the persistence provider: .... import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache; import org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy; @Entity @Table(name = "F") @Cache(usage=CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE...
I am running Spring + hibernate 3 + c3p0. Upon start up, if the database is down an exception is thrown after about 10 mins. Until then the program is blocked... I dont include spring xml, hibernate configuration etc, since it is a fairly common problem and if a solution exists it must be a standard straighforward way. If not i can trim ...
Given the table structure below, how do you project x and y only with nhibernate? How do you list the results, what is the type of the resulting list? //Table structure, mapped in the traditional way FunnyTable { x [int] NOT NULL, y [int] NULL, z [int] NOT NULL } //assume criteria is...
I'm running into a ConstraintViolationException when I try to save an object with a @OneToMany map in it. Hibernate either seems to think that I'm trying to put a NULL into the mapped list or it may be putting it there itself. The problem seems to happen sporadically: with some databases it's easily reproducible, but with others I can't ...
i want to extract data from the database rather local data while selecting value from the textarea. I used jquery-autocomplete. Please tell me the site which provide a auto complete feature just like stack overflow for the tags at the ask question page. ...
I'm trying to build a smaller SQL, to avoid the "select * from A" that is being build by default for hibernate Criteria. If I use simple fields (no relation), through "Transformers", I have can manage to have this SQL: select description, weight from Dog; Hi, I have this Entity: @Entity public class Dog { Long id; String descr...
I use netbean 6.7.1 to write "hello world" witch hibernate, but I get some errors, plz help me, thank you very much. my exception init: deps-module-jar: deps-ear-jar: deps-jar: Copying 1 file to F:\Documents and Settings\My Dropbox\DropboxNetBeanProjects\loginspring\build\web\WEB-INF\classes compile-single: run-main: Oct 25, 2009 2:44:...
Hi Guys, I'm using the reverse engineering capabilities built into the eclipse hibernate plugin to generate dao's and hbm.xml files for each table. It does it quite well but when I try to use the generated Objects I get a Could not locate SessionFactory in JNDI error. I saw a post that suggested this happens when you name your Session...
My HibernateUserImpl mapping look like below <set name="groups" table="OS_USER_GROUP" inverse="false" cascade="none" lazy="false"> <key column="user_id"/> <many-to-many column="group_id" class="com.opensymphony.user.provider.hibernate3.ahxu.impl.HibernateGroupImpl"/> </set> I do HQL query like select distinct hibuser from Hi...
please convert the sql in hql SQL Statement : s*elect username from useraccout where email = "parameter value"* More description: while running the code i am getting this error: public List dispUser(String email){ Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT u.username FROM Useraccout u WHERE u.email=:email)"); query.setParameter(email, ...
One challenge using hibernate is that manged classes have to have a default constructor. The problem is that there is no explicit point where the class is initialized and invariants can be checked. If a class has invariants that depend on more than one property the class design gets complex. Let's start with the hypothetical green-fiel...
I am developing a hibernate application that connects to a MySQL database. The customers would like to only specify a connection string, ie: jdbc:mysql://username:passwd@server:port/db_name However, Hibernate will not connect using just this string. It also wants the username and password connection properties set. Is there any way ...
Hi all. Actually I'm using hibernate-annotations 3.3.1.GA (hibernate 3.2.6.ga) and hibernate-validator 3.0.0.ga but, due to validation problems, I need to upgrade the libraries to hibernate-annotations 3.4.0.GA (hibernate 3.3.2.GA) and hibernate-validator 3.1.0.GA. When I update my pom.xml file I get a lot of compilation errors. I thin...
What is the best way to fill tables create with jpa at application startup/shutdown of application ? like but with data manipulation language instead data definition language. i'm using HibernatePersistence as persistence provider. ...
Hi, I am trying to load some info from the database asynchronously. I have a class A that has a relation One to One with ClassB. What I do, is getting count of class A in the database then load limited number of class A So Hibernate runs 3 queries: first to get count, second to get class A, third to load class B, mapped in class A. I...