
How can I permanently bypass Windows XP startup?

I have an application for Windows XP. This application is deployed with the hardware. The application is the only application that ever runs on these machines. These machines are never connected to the internet. I'm interested in instant-on (or quick-on) options that bypass the Windows XP startup for these machines. This is similar ...

gethostbyname fails for local hostname after resuming from hibernate (Vista+7?)

Just wondering if anyone else has spotted this: On some user's machines running our software, occasionally the call to Win32 winsock gethostbyname fails with error code 11004. For the argument to gethostbyname, I'm passing in the result from gethostname. Now the docs say 11004 is WSANO_DATA. None of the descriptions seem to be relevan...

My C# program running as Windows Service is blocking Windows XP from hibernation

I have Windows Service written in C#. It starts two threads, one is pooling a Web Service, second is waiting on a Monitor object for a new job to arrive. Besides that, the main thread acts as a WCF service host using NetNamedPipeBinding. It lets the client application to register a callback and then sends notifications back. The proble...