
How to capture raw HID input on linux?

Short version of what I want to accomplish: I have a foot pedal (INFINITY-IN-USB-1, if that's of any interest) that is implemented as a generic HID device, and I would like it to be behave as control and alt keys on linux. I'm looking for something on the level on X, i.e. not just individual programs. Longer version: I have this setup ...

linux usb-hid :add libhid library to eclipse(C++) or netbeans IDEs or native input.h or hiddev.h ?

Hi i have problem with libhid . i found that there 2 way 4 accessing the usb-hid in linux 1)linux default libraries like input.h and hiddev.h and ... 2)using libhid i found libhid some confusing and try to use input.h but i have problem with that 2. i dont know how to get information about my device from ubuntu i use open() to op...