
JQuery parentsUntil with element as variable not working as expected.

My problem is best explained with examples: This works: $(startContainer).parents().each(function(index, parentNode) { if (parentNode.isSameNode(commonContainer)) return false; console.log("start vert struc: " + parentNode.nodeName); }); While, this does not work: $(startContainer).parentsUntil(commonContainer).each(function...

How to access a View by an ID of the android namespace

In hierarchy viewer there are several IDs as shown above, for example "id/timepicker_input". But I can't find a respective timepicker_input - ID when typing myNumberPicker.findViewById(android.R.id. ...? ); So how to access these Views by their ID? ...

hierarchy loop mysql php

i want to display all users which are below my status. the lead_id shows my id if i'm the manager. all users when registering will have to put the person in charge id(lead-id) but in my case, i'm getting only users with my id. e.g id name leadid 1 xxx 0 2 aa 1 3 sdd ...