
Questions about Javascript Highcharts

Has anyone use the Highcharts Javascript charting library? I have a few questions about it: Does it support dynamic data? In other words, if I plot a chart and then want to update the data displayed on the chart, do I need to completely unload the chart and start over? Or can I update the chart's data in-place? Is there a way to hide ...

highcharts - variable data causes browser lockup

Hi there I am attempting to use the highcharts javascript library to load charts using this function: function create_chart(success, failed, pending) { var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'graph', margin: [5, 5, 5, 5] }, title: { text: 'Message Sending St...

'G_vmlCanvasManager' is undefined

Hi there, I am using the highcharts charting library, i am including excanvas if the browser is ie using <!--[if IE]> <script type="text/javascript" src="<script type="text/javascript" src="excanvas.compiled.js"></script> <![endif]--> yet i still get 'G_vmlCanvasManager' is undefined ...

Iphone safari browser taking lot of time to render charts in a dashboard

I have developed a webpage containing charts using HighCharts. It works fine on the PC safari browser, but takes a long tim to load on an iPhone. What could be the issue? ...

JavaScript method begins w/ variables assigned?? very confused...

Hi everyone, this is my first post, but i'm excited to join this community. I have a question regarding JavaScript which I am completely stumped about. I'm writing a JavaScript application which pulls data from a server using ajax and adds it to a chart. I'm using Jquery and Highcharts as the framework and then writing my own JavaScr...

jQuery Sortable and Highcharts - Drawing Problem

I'm using Highcharts (which are JS based charts) in conjunction with jQuery Sortable. Each chart is rendered within an <li> and sortable on the parent <ul> allows me to move them around. This works great in Firefox and Chrome. In IE7, however, I get extremely weird behavior: The dragging works fine, but as soon as I drop it, the chart ...

AJAX onclick on fires once, error thereafter

I am using Highcharts (http://highcharts.com) and attempting to display a colorbox (http://colorpowered.com/colorbox/) when I click a bar chart column. Highcharts allows attaching a method that gets called on click (Highcharts docs). This works great for something as simple as calling an alert, or providing static HTML to the colorbox, ...

Highcharts => Getting the id of a point when clicking on a line chart

Hey all ! I am building a line chart and I would like, when I click on a point of the line, to display a popup containing some data about this point. The issue I try to resolve is to get the id, the series associated with this point or something like that. Here is my code : plotOptions: { column: { pointWidth: 20 }...

Highcharts => How to add ids to the points we push ?

Hey all ! I'm building a line chart and I want my points to have an id. How to do that in using push ? options.series.data.push(data,id); ??? or something like that Thanks a lot. ...

Highcharts - animations other than the default

Is there an option in Highcharts JS (highcharts.com) to change the animation when a chart loads? Right now, on a column chart, the columns slide up from the bottom. Is it possible to alter the default animation to, say, bounce? ...

HighCharts: How to pass x and y value of selected point to Rails

I am new to HighCharts, javascript, and rails. I have a highchart in my rails application. I need to pass the values of the x and y to rails of the point a users clicks on the chart series. I know about the selection event handler but not how to pass data from highcharts to the rails controller. Can someone point me to an example I can l...

Use High-charts, Open Flash Chart 2, Google Charts or what else !!!!

One web application of ours requires a feature of displaying charts in it. Basically we have to show different types of charts for different purposes such as pie charts to give information about some purpose,Bar charts for some other purpose whereas Complex charts for complex data.Note that this charts will be created dynamically dependi...

Area chart with multiple Y-values in a single interval on X-axis.

I am using Highcharts to make area charts for certain data for a day. The data is collected every 15 mins and the data is shown for one day where the X-axis interval is 2 hours. So for every interval I have 8 points which are to be used to construct the area chart. What I guessed was that if I give plotOptions as plotOptions: { ...

Highcharts - show every other x-axis category

I have Highcharts set up to display a graph with a bunch of xAxis categories. This is all working fine, but I would like to be able to skip some of the xAxis categories, so not everything one is shown. You can see an example of this working within Campaign Monitor's reporting section (screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/Y2FjNzQ4Y). Any ...

Highcharts & Mysql

Hi, I need help with this code,I manage to extract data from a mysql database and convert them to a format required by Highcharts. <?php $query =mysql_query("select date_format(connect_time,'%Y-%m-%d %H %i') AS date, Customers.name as customer, Sum(duration) as secondes from CD...

Highcharts SVG Export from Python Server Side Code

I am using reportlab in python to render a pdf server side. I really like the look of highcharts graphs. But I am building a pdf server side which needs to include some graphs. The server side graphing (reportlab and matplotlib) do not have nearly as much choices for formatting / design. Is there a way I can run a client side javas...

Pass a PHP string (which represents a JS function) through json_encode()

I'm using this PHP/CodeIgniter library for jQuery Highcharts: http://www.crustiz.com/php-jquery/highcharts-library-for-codeigniter/ The way that library does things is that it builds a PHP array of options, then converts it to json using json_encode (see line 273 of that library) which is then used by the jQuery Highcharts plugin. This ...

Highcharts how to change x axis options

In Highcharts I want to change the default starting point from 0 to 1 is where can i find the option to change I have only data points so that are plotted on y axis and the x axis simply contain the default numbers ie 0,1,2, etc.. i want to change the starting point from 0 to 1 thanks in advance ...