
Delete All Emails in a Highrise App

How do I delete all the emails in my highrise app? I don't want to delete the entire thing and start over, I've got companies and tags and metadata. What's the easiest way? This question paraphrased from Tibor Holoda's question on GetSatisfaction ...

HighRise jQuery parsing

I want to add h323:number style links to HighRise contact numbers, so that users can click a link to dial the IP phone... The html I'm looking at is: <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Phone</th> <td>+44 (0)1123 1231312<span>Work</span></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td>+44 (0)777 2342342<span>Other</span></td> ...

Rails, Finding objects in complex hashes

I'm building an app that integrates with Highrise, and so-far-so-good, however, when trying to import a person Highrise::People it spits out a huge hash similar to this: [ ..., #<Highrise::Person:0x1035084b8 @attributes={"contact_data"=>#<Highrise::Person::ContactData:0x1034f8b30 @attributes={"email_addresses"=>[], "addresses"=>[], "we...

issue with a XHR xml response in Google Chrome extension

I am integrating Highrise into a Google Chrome plugin and have issues with a XHR responding xml. I am pretty positive that Highrise API doesn't return a JSON. I have a XHR in "background-script" , then I pass the result into "content-script" with a chrome.tabs.sendRequest(tabId, { data :data }); and here is the issue I ne...

Using Highrise API Wrapper

Good Day. I am trying my hardest to get my mind around PHP for building an site where you can see Highrise events printed out. Found this wrapper, but do not know how to use it, what i should write to get use of this wrapper. Please Help. http://101tec.com/en/open-source/highrise-api-wrapper is the link for the wrapper. ...

Highrise API Example. help

I am trying to get the highrise api working with my project. total noob. I have an account, have my api key, added to my rails project like so in my controller. require 'highrise' Highrise::Base.site = 'http://MYACCOUNT.highrisehq.com' Highrise::Base.user = 'MYAPI KEY' @person = Highrise::Person.find(:all) in my view i can...