
HornetQ OutOfMemory on startup with big journal

Using: HornetQ 2.0.0.CR2 Default configurations for the stand-alone/non-clustered server. When I try to startup the server with a big journal (> 1Gb), I got a OutOfMemory exception: [main] 12:59:43,505 INFO [org.hornetq.integration.bootstrap.HornetQBootstrapServer] Starting HornetQ Server [main] 12:59:44,526 INFO [org.hornetq.core.ser...

HornetQ Client in C++ which supports security?

Is there a SSL enabled client for C++ that can interact with HornetQ? The only client I could find is ActiveMQ-CMS from the Apache ActiveMQ project, which can use Stomp. But this client up to now does not seam to support SSL or any other form of security/authentication. ...

HornetQ GWT integration

Hi, I am interested to know about GWT integration with HornetQ. My GWT app will send messages to HornetQ server using JMS api. An external client will consume these message and process them accordingly. So, this is basically point-to-point mode. From their wiki, I see that because of the way J2EE/JCA works, HornetQ sessions will automati...

HornetQ on Tomcat

Is that possible to run HornetQ (JBoss JMS implementation) on Tomcat? The HornetQ documentation is all about JBoss AS or standalone scenarios... Update: This is from HornetQ feature list: "HornetQ is architected as a set of Plain Old Java Objects, it can therefore be run in JBoss Microcontainer, Spring, Google Guice or embedded in any...

Java JMS = HornetQ = javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: Unable to validate user: null ?

Hello Experts, I am trying for several hours to get the HornetQ Examples running in Eclipse. Using the Standalone Examples everything works fine, but when I run the examples in Eclipse I get the following error: javax.jms.JMSSecurityException: Unable to validate user: null What could this error mean? Where do I have to specify the us...

JMS Session pooling for large numbers of Topic subscribers

I'm writing an app that will create lots of JMS topic subscribers. What is best practise regarding reusing sessions? A session per subscriber? A pool of sessions? With a session per subscriber the thread count seems unreasonable. Is this a job for something like a ServerSessionPool? What I've seen so far seems to suggest that ServerSes...

Open Source Queuing Solutions for peek, mark as done and then remove

I am looking at open source queuing platforms that allow me do the following: I have multiple producers, multiple consumers putting data into a queue in a multithreaded environment with the specific use case: I want the ability for consumers to be able do the following Peek at a message from the queue(which should mark as the message ...

How do I integrate ActiveMQ with a HornetQ ESB (or access the HornetQ directly from C#)?

I've got an ActiveMQ ESB that I am using between several C# assemblies across a couple different systems. I need to start receiving notifications being sent out by a new system from it's HornetQ ESB. As far as I can tell the HornetQ is pre-2.0.0GA. I'd like to just use Camel to set up routing between the HornetQ ESB and my ActiveMQ ESB,...

Registering HornetQ resources in Tomcat JNDI (CF / Destination)

How can I put the connection factory and destination of HornetQ into the JNDI of Tomcat? ...

What is JVM Bind?

I tried to run example from HornetQ and I got this error: [java] HornetQServer_0 out: Deployment "JNDIServer" is in error due to: java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 1098 Actually this is not the first time I got this kind of error. I can verify that port 1098 is indeed already in use (using Netstat command) but I ...

InstantiationError on HornetQDestination with JBOSS/HornetQ

When trying to connect to a remote JBOSS+HornetQ, we are getting the error in the subject. We can connect to a remote HornetQ on a different machine with no trouble. We are using HermesJMS to try and make a JNDI connection to the JBOSS server and we are able to create the JNDI context, but not attach to any topics/queues/etc. We are u...