
Add a IIS host header to website programmatically

I would like to setup a admin page (ASP.NET/C#) that can add IIS host headers to the website that the admin page is hosted on. Is this possible? I dont want to add a http header - I want to mimick the action of going into IIS manually, bringing up the properties of the website, clicking advanced on the website tab, and in the advanced ...

Forwarding based on Host Headers

Hello, I am trying to get around ISP limitations of 1 IP address. Here is what I am trying to do. I have two web servers running internally on my network. One is my main IIS box that runs 4 or 5 sites and I just added a windows home server. I have created a dns entry for it called and the other server reponds to ww...

Get original HOST address when the ASP.NET server is behind an ISA server as a reverse proxy

I'd like to know how could I get the original HOST IP when the web server is behind an ISA server acting as a reverse proxy. Other reverse proxies -like squid- add the "X_FORWARDED_FOR" value to the request header, but ISA server doesn't. Thanks ...