
HTML comment conventions

I need to use HTML comments to store specific data, but I don't want use comment schemes that already exist, as generated by programs like Dreamweaver <!-- #BeginLibraryItem "/File.lbi" --> or Frontpage. How do I know what comment scheme would be least problematic, or at least not look like other existing comment conventions? PS: I'm ...

how does html comments work with php code?

Hi, I just wonder how does html comment tag work with php code. If I have the following code, does php parse it anyway? <!-- <?php echo "hi"; ?> --> a simple question, but I guess it is important to know. ...

does javascript code need to start with "<!-- " ?

I am newbie. many of javascript code start with <!-- <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- and finish with //--> //--> </script> I think the reason is for compatibility. But I cannot find the clue in any books. even I cannot find anything with google. ...

How can you strip HTML comments out of a page generated with JSP/JSTL?

I know some people use ANT to accomplish this, but I don't want to remove HTML comments from the actual jsp, I just want a way to strip them from output unless a users adds a parameter to the url to show the comments for debugging. ...

Apache stripping comments from html

I have a deployment where Apache forwards to Tomcat running on the same system. I'm running into a situation where Apache is stripping out comments in html returned by Tomcat. This is causing lines like the following to be removed causing the js to fail on IE: "<!--if IE><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="/scripts...

Can you use jquery to add comments dynamically to code?

I tried: <script> $(function() { $('.class').before('<!--'); $('.class').after('-->'); }); </script> but it didn't work for a reason unknown to me. Can anyone help me understand why it didn't work and how I would do it? Thank you, much appreciated. ...