html-components, moz-behaviors and Firefox 3.

Whilst trying to get our app working in Firefox (I'm a big proponent of X-Browser support but our lead dev is resisting me saying IE is good enough). So I'm doing a little side project to see how much work it is to convert. I've hit a problem straight away. The main.aspx page binds to a webservice using the IE only method of adding beh...

Stepping into an htc file while debugging an ASP.NET page?

I can step into javascript files, but not .htc files. It allows me to set a breakpoint, but it doesn't stop at it. Is it possible? ...

Comparing performance - htc vs jQuery

I have a (IE only) web app which now uses htc to render html widgets. I am considering migrating the app to jQuery. How does the performance compare between htc and jQuery. ...

IE VBScript HTC Behavior - Static Variables between all Instances of Behavior?

I'm not 100% sure what question I should ask - as I'm too sure on the best way to do this .. so let me describe what I'm trying to do (using a simplified example) and we'll go from there. You have arbitrary HTML Elements (IMG, A, TD, whatever). Via the CSS they are assigned an HTML Behavior .BoldSelection { behavior: url(SelectBo...

What is difference between .htc and .js file?

What is difference between .htc and .js file? Can we convert any .htc file to a .js file? The problem is if we use htc to make png fixes, then we add htc to css file using body { behavior: url(""); } But this is not W3C valid, so want to convert the .htc to .js and then use as a js file to attach in so it will be W3C... support for hiding/showing divs?

I'm using to simulate the border-radius CSS property in IE. It works fine, but I want to show and hide a div with rounded corners. The problem is that the does not support advanced manipulation like hiding div, only modifying the size. Has anyone experienced similar problems and found a solution? ...

Do .htc style behaviours still work if javascript is disabled?

Do .htc style behaviours still work if javascript is disabled? I'd like to use whatever:hover to create some css only drodpowns and would like to know if IE will still pay attention to the htc file if js is disabled. ...

How to convert any .htc file into .js file?

How can I convert any .htc file into .js and use the resulting JavaScript? For example, this is a .htc file: I want to convert it into .js. I want to convert it because the CMS I'm working with will not allow me to attach the .htc file. I think it's because of a mime type i...

Why does CSS3Pie + Prototype 1.6.1 crash Internet Explorer 8

I'm trying to understand why Css3Pie used in conjunction with Prototype 1.6.1 crashes Internet Explorer 8. Why is this happening? Relevant information CSS3Pie [source code] is an Internet Explorer behavior (htc) that adds support for CSS3 properties like border-radius, gradients, etc. The crash only happens in IE8, not IE7 or earlier....

How to set a content-type for a specific file with Rack?

I want to have Rack serve a specific file with a specific content type. It's a .htc file and it needs to be served as text/x-component so that IE will recognize it. In apache I would just do AddType text/x-component .htc How can I achieve this with Rack? Currently the file is served by Rack::Static, but I didn't find an option to set ...

HTC files and their use

An earlier project (VB6, ASP 3.0) I worked in used HTC files to add custom attributes and methods to the HTML controls. This allowed us to define a text box with custom attributes. e.g. if I define a textbox with attribute Ctype = "Date", then the onblur() event would automatically verify whether the text entered is a date and so on. Wit...