jquery wait cursor while loading html in div
I want to show to the user a state that the result is loading. How can I change cursor or gif while loading result in div with $MyDiv.load("page.php") ? ...
I want to show to the user a state that the result is loading. How can I change cursor or gif while loading result in div with $MyDiv.load("page.php") ? ...
I've been wondering this for a while now, but what is the best way to ensure that in a web app (RoR, Sinatra, PHP, anything) that when you are creating links (either generating with a method, or writing in by hand) that they go to the proper place whether you are on the root of a domain or not: http://www.example.com/ or http://www.examp...
Hi Again, I have a site that stores a bunch of records in an sql database that i want to pull onto a page based on the date, which is stored as Y-m-d in sql. But, I want to paginate the results based on day. So for the index, i want to show all the results from the current day, for which i was going to use the php date() function as th...
Here is a screenshot of how both div's lineup: http://tinyurl.com/d3kopn The left column is , the div that I want to line up to the right of it is And both those div's are within .content-body { padding:10px 15px; font-size:.8em; font-family:arial; overflow:auto; } .col-left { float:left; position:relative; ...
I'm looking for templates that are made specifically for web applications List of Web Application Templates PAID Theme Forest - Cheap Lot to chose from Gooey Templates Get A DevBox FREE Bloganje Transdmin WebResourcesDepot ...
Given a drop down list, is there any way to subscribe a javascript even which will be fired when a new item is added to the list? I'd like something like the following to work $("select").itemAdded(function(value, text) { alert(text + " has just been added to the list of options"); }); $("select").append($("<option></option").va...
I need to be able to move a div with my mouse and store the new pos of the div in database to remember the display. How can I do it? ...
The longer an input button's text (value) is, the wider the left and right padding seems to get (IE). Explicit CSS padding seems to have no effect. Does anyone have a hack for this? ...
I'm helping my sister convert a website that somebody did for her in flash into html. They use fancy fonts in the flash that I am trying to define in a css file through @font-face. I tried opening the page in firefox, IE and chrome, but nowhere do I see the proper font. The declaration that I am using is: @font-face { font-family: ...
We have a web page (HTML javascript and PHP mostly) that allows a user to upload an image. We have the normal browse button, and it works fine. However, we want to add the functionality to drag and drop an image into the text field instead. gmail allows you to do this in their mail app, so it's possible. The only way we've thought of to...
I think its fairly common practice these days not to include a mailto: tag in your webpage. I also realize that a better solution is to have a contact us form. Recently I've seen some mailto tags that include and html encoded email address. Is this an affective way to stop spammers from attacking an email address? example: <a href...
It seems that floated HTML elements don't expand the heights of their containers. For example, consider the following code: <div class="portfoliosite" style="background: #777777; padding: 10px; width: 550px;"> <div class="portfoliothumbnail" style="background: red; margin: 0 10px 10px 0; float: left; height: 150px; width: 150px;"><!...
I've created a HTML ordered list which looks fine in FF, but pretty awful in IE. My specific problems with the way IE displays the list are: List markers are missing Vertical spacing between list items is very uneven It seems the superscripts are the cause of (2), but I'm not sure how I can fix this problem (without removing the supe...
Hi, My PHP script have to create a multi-tabs Excel file with a report in each tab, but those reports already exists as HTML pages, so I don't want to duplicate code and work. I know I can rename a HTML file to .xls, and Excel/OpenOffice Calc will open it as a spreadsheet, but I don't know how to have severals tabs. I do not even know...
I want to generate PDF by passing HTML contents to a function. I have made use of ItextSharp for this but it does not perform well when it encounters Table and the layout just gets messy. Is there any free library available ? ...
Hi.. I'm a beginner in PHP and Javascript.. I found a link from http://cmichaelis.whsites.net/whblog/jquery-extjs-1/example2 Inside it there is a code saying : function addPanel(location) { tabpanel.add({ autoLoad: {url: location}, title: 'More Information...', closable:true, autoScroll:true }).show(); }...
One of my friends is working on having a good solution to generate aspx pages, out of html pages generated from a legacy asp application. The idea is to run the legacy app, capture html output, clean the html using some tool (say HtmlTidy) and parse it/transform it to aspx, (using Xslt or a custom tool) so that existing html elements, ...
How can I insert newlines in an html file before each table related tag using sed? ...
I am looking for a good example implementation of a JavaScript/HTML AutoSuggest input box to get me started. What I am trying to implement will behave "Exactly" like the Tags input box here on stackoverflow. If it helps I am using jQuery to perform Ajax request. I am finding examples to help me implement this however I am concerned w...
Is there a control I can use to display a short message that contains minor html formatting (eg one or more links). I'd prefer not to use the WebBrowser control (suggested here) as it's a bit heavy for what I want, so any other suggestions welcome. If a user does click a link from my message I want it to be opened in their default brow...