
How to do a ASP.NET MVC Ajax form post with multipart/form-data ?

I am working on a ASP.NET MVC web site which has a form that allows for the upload of files using the multipart/form data enctype option on the form tag like so <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action='<%= Url.Action("Post","Entries",new {id=ViewData.Model.MemberDetermination.DeterminationMemberID}) %>'> How would I ...

What language/tool should I use for HTML parsing?

Hello all, I have a couple of websites that I want to extract data from and based on previous experiences, this isn't as easy as it sound. Why? Simply because the HTML pages I have to parse aren't properly formatted (missing closing tag, etc.). Considering that I have no constraints regarding the technology, language or tool that I can...

How can I get an absolutely-positioned div to extend outside its relativley-positioned parent, which has overflow: auto?

I have a relatively -positioned div, which has overflow: auto set. Inside that, I have a div which acts as a sort of drop-down menu. I want the drop-down div to extend outside of the parent when it needs to, but it is being cropped, since the parent has overflow: auto. I realize that this is the correct behavior, but I am not sure how...

Is there a W3C valid way to disable autocomplete in a HTML form?

When using the xhtml1-transitional.dtd doctype, collecting a credit card number with the following HTML <input type="text" id="cardNumber" name="cardNumber" autocomplete='off'/> will flag a warning on the W3C validator: there is no attribute "autocomplete". Is there a W3C / standards way to disable browser auto-complete on sensi...

How to hook the DOM loaded event?

Hi, Can someone point me in the direction to hook the DOM loaded event? Basically, i want to display a loader while the dom is loading (I dont mean Ajax requests- the first time a user hits a page) ? Thanks all in advance ...

Possible to set HTML table to be max of percentage or a specific number of pixels?

I want the columns of my HTML table to be the max of a certain percentage of the screen or a minimum number of pixels, so if the user has a 1024x768 display the table columns won't be all scrunched up ( and may require some scrolling ) and if a user has a 1920x1600 screen they can get more information. Is this possible using the html ta...

removing space between vertical divs

i have three vertical aligned divs on top of each other. the top and bottom are just showing an image on top and bottom of the player .hence coordination becomes like this <div> <img>top</img> <div> <div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> </div> <div> <img>bottom</img> </div> now there is white line/space between the middle ...

Set border to table tr, works in everything except IE 6 & 7

I set the border for the table event_calendar tr to be red, it works in everything except IE 6 & 7. What is wrong with my CSS? table#event_calendar tr { border:1px solid red; } <div class="content-body"> <table id="event_calendar"> <tr class="calendarHeader"> <th><div class="calendarMonthLinks"><a href="http://webdev.herki...

Is there a way to get the offset of the selected text within an input box in IE?

In Firefox, you can simply call: myInputTextField.selectionStart or myInputTextField.selectionEnd to get the first and last indices of the selected text in the input box. In IE, I know that you can call document.selection.createRange() to fiddle with the selection a little bit. For the life of me, however, I have not found any value ...

I need a php regular expression that replaces one tag with another

Here is what I need to be able to do: I need to match the following tag: <SPAN style="TEXT-DECORATION: underline">text sample</SPAN> I need to replace the span with an html3 compliant tag, but keep the text in between. The final tag should look like this after replacement: <u>text sample</u> I'm just not good with regular express...

best practices for <embed> javascript code

Hi all, I'm starting a project where I need to display my wife's picture books on her blog. I've got the books' data on a database - couchdb - and I want to write a player she can easily embed in her blog. I've got most of the player written in Html, JavaScript & jQuery. Next, I need to write the html and javascript code to encapsulat...

What is a practical maximum length for HTML id?

The HTML spec says ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods ("."). And even though the SGML declaration of HTML 4 uses the value 65536 for NAMELEN, it notes "Avoid fixed limits." But surely browsers, ...

Click on a div to toggle a checkbox inside of it using javascript

Hi. This seems to be a simple problem, but I dont use alot of javascript. I have a div, with a checkbox in it, and would like the whole div to toggle the checkbox. This is what I have so far: <div style="padding: 2em; border: 1px solid" onClick="if (document.getElementById('cb').checked) document.getElementById('cb').checked=false...

Short way to link to http from https (and vice versa) using relative links

When I´m in a secure part of a web-site I´m developing (entering a specific page or folder using https), the relative links to the normal pages are automatically converted to https as well. Is there a way to tell an <a> tag to always use the http protocol instead of the https protocol (or the other way around)? I know it´s easy using t...

Is it best to put the page name before the site name or vice-versa?

The several uses to which the <title> tag is put complicates the question… As browser window or search result titles, it would seem to make little difference — there's enough room for everything and the display order is unrelated to the title. For tab and taskbar / dock titles, space is at more of a premium. Placing the page name firs...

Appending HTML w/click event using jQuery

I want to append some HTML inside this div, and the HTML has to have a click event on it also. <div id="myID"> <p>hello, world!</p> </div> I want to insert a new div inside of the above div, and I want a click event on the new HTML I insert there. There will be some dynamic text inside the new div so it has to by dyna...

How to make an iframe which displays the parent page

I want to display an iframe in a .aspx page, and the iframes source should be the same page. I need to use a relative uri. What value should I give the 'src' attribute? I realise this is a little unusual - the page will be displayed in different states depending on parameters passed in, so the iframe won't be displayed within itself. ...

Is it possible to have a web browser scroll to show CSS fixed position items that are outside the viewport of the web browser?

I am trying to create a CSS layout where the page looks like it's in the middle of the forest. There is a left and right div with the background trees, some header divs that show the top of the page with various wildlife, and some footer divs that show the bottom with more wildlife that matches up with the left and right div background ...

how to make a drop down menu with a vertical scroll bar?

hi i need to put a vertical scroll bar in the drop down menu such that at first it will appear only size=1 but when we drop down it should have a vertical scroll bar , can anybody help me , i would really appreciate any help ...

how to remove the url from the printing page ?

hi i want to remove the url that gets printed on the bottom of the page like: how can it be omitted ?or prevent from getting printed would appreciate any help ...