
Can I get access to htmlText setter code in textArea in Flex?

Greetings, I can see that when I set htmlText in a textarea control, the text property contains the html free version of the text. So there is a parser somewhere that is ripping of html from the content, which would be very usefull for my purposes. However, based on the flex source code, the setting of html is done in, w...

How to fill a textfield in later frames from the first frame?

Hello, I have a case where I can change the contents of an actionscript class which fills the dynamic text fields in a flash movie. The class function is called from the first frame in the movie and fills all visible fields. I need to fill a dynamic text field in the n-th frame (say 100, or so) but when I call tagline2.htmlText = "hell...

ActionScript Dynamic HTML Text With Embedded Fonts?

i'm trying to use htmlText on a dynamic text field with embedded fonts. i've searched for an hour for an answer and i still don't have one. on stage, there is a dynamic text field with no text. i've embedded both regular and bold versions of Myraid Pro. the text field on stage is set to regular (have to choose something). "Render Te...

ActionScript 3: maintaining textarea UIscrollbar position on loss of focus in flash embed.

I'm using Flash CS4. Everything functions as it should when CS4 previews the swf after compiling it. However, after embedding the flash item in a webpage, if the textArea loses focus within the flash piece, the textarea's built-in UIscrollbar resets to the very top. Here's the kicker: if I add a FOCUS_OUT event listener to the textAre...