
How does Tidy handle self-closing tags

I run tidy as a plugin in gedit. It uncloses self-closing tags like <br> and <img> e.g. <br /> goes to <br> and <img src="somewhere" /> goes to <img src="somewhere"> Can I make tidy in gedit respect these self-closing tags or should I not be using these tags? ...

Tool to correct invalid CSV files

Is there any command-line tool or ruby library to clean/correct invalid .csv files, something like tidy for html? Example of error: unescaped non-successive double quotes. Related to: Regular expression to find and replace unescaped Non-successive double quotes in CSV file. ...

Preserve &reg; when using Bathisar Tidy on a Mac

I just found Bathisar Tidy to tidy up HTML on a Mac. Wonderful app but I cannot figure one thing out about it. In my pages, where I have &reg; instead of the registered trademark symbol (). I want to preserve the &reg; in the documents. Bathisar Tidy replaces it with the symbol. How do I prevent this? What setting do I change? TI...

Can not tidy html file using htmltidy but can with notepad++ which uses same htmltidypack.

I am parsing html from the html file through html agility pack, but some of files from them are badly written. And I can not parse them. Now for tidying that html file I am using htmltidy pack. But with that I can not make tidy some html file. While if I make those files tidy through notepad++ then I can. And I am using htmltidy pack t...

HTML formatter/tidy/beautifier for JavaScript

Is there any HTML formatter/tidy/beautifier out there written in JavaScript? I have made a content editor (CMS) which has both WYSIWYG and source code views. The problem the code written by the WYSIWYG editor is normally a single line. So I would like a JavaScript that could format this into a more readable form on demand. ...

C# Version of Html Tidy?

Just looking for a really easy way to clean up some HTML (possibly with embedded JavaScript). Tried two different HtmlTidy .NET ports and both and throwing exceptions... Sorry, by "clean" I mean "indent". The HTML is not malformed, at all. It's XHTML strict. Finally got something working with SGML, but this is seriously the most ridi...

Mac OS X 10.6 Python 2.7 pytidylib utidylib could not find libtidy

I am answering my own question, but because I stayed up all night figuring it out, I will hopefully save others some pain. If you are getting either of the following messages after properly installing pytidylib or utidylib, this answer may help. Learning Python on Snow Leopard, I had installed the 32-bit version of Python 2.7 so that I ...