
htaccess conditionals

I have setup htpasswd authentication on my live site and it works great, but I don't want to be asked for a password when I am working on the development environment. In my httpd.conf file I have: SetEnv APP_ENV "development" In my .htaccess file I have: AuthName "Restricted Area" AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /path/to/file/.htpasswd ...

Setup mecurial to only work with users already authenticated with my server?

I have a mecurial server setup and would like to use it for source control over apache. The setup i followed, however, requires that I have a .htpasswd which it uses to authenticate mecurial users. Is it possible to have this authenticated list be the people who are already users on the server so they don't have to create new id's and p...

htaccess and htpassword

hi I am using htaccess and htpassword file in my project. Everything is working fine but when I put an encrypted password in the htpassword file then password does not match, but when I put in a plain text password it does match. But I want to match the encrypted password. Please tell me what the the problem is and how I can resolve th...

htaccess and htpasswd?

My first time using htaccess to ask for a user password. on my server .htpasswd file lies in my root directory of my server. .htaccess file lies in folder folder "uploads" (which lies in the root dir) i used … <?php echo dirname(__FILE__); ?> to get the full server path to my root dir. my .htaccess file in my "uploads...

Apache asks the password for each subdomain with htpasswd.

Apache asks the password for each subdomain with htpasswd. I want that he would ask the password at the first input and remembered me for all subdomains I use the following code: AuthType Basic AuthName "Projects" AuthUserFile /blablabla/baz.htpasswd Require valid-user ...

How can I get a user's input when using htaccess/htpasswd?

Hi, I want to create a log in system using htaccess and htpasswd file and PHP for the server-side code, but when the user logs in I want to be able to identify that user, so how can I know what the user typed in as their username using PHP code (I assume I won't need to know the password if they've managed to access the restricted page)?...