
Rails 3 HTTP digest authentication

Is HTTP digest authentication still supported in Rails 3? I tried the following code in Rails 2.3.5, it works. class Admin::BaseController < ApplicationController before_filter :authenticate USERS = { "lifo" => "world" } def authenticate authenticate_or_request_with_http_digest("Application") do |name| USERS[name] e...

Replacing browser http authentication forms

Hello, I am trying to replace the default login slip which drops down when the user tries to access a page which needs HTTP Digest authentication. I'm trying to achieve this with jQuery. Below is a snippet of my code: $.ajax({ url: url, method:'GET', async:false, beforeSend:function(req) { req.setRequestHeader...

Is there a way to setup multiple authorization rule sets for a single directory in an Apache config file?

I have a test site set up as a virtual host in my Apache2 config file. It already has a directive for the root folder that first only authorizes access from a specific set of IP addresses, and then only after the user is also authenticated by Basic HTTP Auth. I would now like to add to the list of allowed IP addresses (the ap...

Digest authentication with Jersey Client

Hi there, I have written a REST web service with Jersey Server (that totally rocks !). I am now developing the client part of it, with Jersey Client as well. On the server side, I have chosen a DIGEST authentication, because I personally think that BASIC authentication is an heresy that should be marked as "DEPRECATED" in our heads. U...

Bundler http auth support

does anyone know if Bundler supports http auth? I'm pretty sure rubygems does (I think i read that somewhere) but I don't see anywhere in the docs where I might specify a username/pwd for a particular repo I'm trying to run my own private gem server so as not to expose sensitive code ...

Rss feed authentication using basic http authentication

Hi Guys!! I have developed the authenticated rss feed using the basic http authentication for my site.I also have the admin module for the site which uses the Forms Authentication .Both are in the same project.When i turn on the forms authentication module to None in my web.config.My rss feed authentication works fine(the browser...

Building a C# / ASP.NET API using oAuth for API Authentication

Does anyone have any examples or advice for how to go about using oAuth to provide the authentication mechanism for an API that should be publicly exposed? Specifically I'm talking about being an oAuth provider for my own API, not integrating or authenticating with anyone else's API. For example, I wish to be able to issue API keys to...

User Authentification on external machines

Our website has been working and still works if we are connected to the LAN but now if someone is elsewhere and tries to connect, they are presented with the screen called "User Authentification" asking for a username and password. What would have changed? The website is Any help is greatly appreciated. Th...

WebView.setHttpAuthUsernamePassword() not working?

I am developing part of an Android application that needs to use a WebView to open a password protected site. I am using SharedPreferences to provide the username and password from when the user logs in the app for the first time. I've tested the credentials it's returning, so I know that those are correct. When I run this in the emulato...

Does mod_ssl 2.8.31 work with Apache 2.2?

Hi experts, I'm trying to setup a mod_ssl - Apache server for authentication purpose. I just downloaded the latest mod_ssl package (2.8.31) and the CHANGE document says it's only been upgraded to Apache 1.3.41. However, 1.3.x is no longer maintained. Should I stick with the older version of the Apache just because mod_ssl said so or s...

HTTP Auth coordinated by web application rather than server

I'm working with Django on Linux and I have an application that integrates with Active Directory. I'm seeking opinions and advice about whether or not it would be feasible or reasonable to access the HTTP headers from within the application to coordinate HTTP authentication. The end goal would be to perform NTLM authentication without...

.htaccess access control

Hi, I have a directory which contains a htaccess file: AuthType Basic AuthName "Go away" AuthUserFile /home/daniel/.htpasswds/directory1/.htpasswd Require valid-user I have a subdirectory within that folder that I wish to use a different set of usernames/passwords for. How do I negate the effects of the first htaccess so I can use th...

Possible to Authenticate with an website with POST / Download CAPTCHA

I've often wanted to create applications that provide a simpler front-end to other websites that require users to login before the pages I want to use can be accessed. I was wondering, if (1) any website with a POST to an http page can be authenticated by POSTing postField1name=pf1Value&postField2name=pf2Value to the website, if tha...

cache-control no-cache mechanism (lowest common denominator behaviour in a sea of badly implemeneted legacy proxies)

I'm working on a Kerberos style cookie-based authentication mechanism for static files for the Nginx web-server (the cookie contains an encrypted string which much match with a sub-string in the URL, the sub-string is specified by a regular expression). The system does not require MITM security, and if it will we will probably just enabl...

Http authentication change working directory

What I would like to do is for my users to log in with http authentication. Based on their login username the working directory will be different. I need to use http authentication because I don't want to interfere with the web application (drupal) that is in the users working directories. I also don't the users to have access to the o...

Basic & Digest Negotiation Authentication

I'm writing a WebDav implementation. I have implemented both basic and digest authentication. My problem is that Digest Authentication isn't implemented by all clients. (In particular Dreamweaver) While Windows Web Folders doesn't work when sent a basic http challenge. Is it possible to do client/server negotiation (Http Negotiation/S...

determining web http authentication methods

How do you determine if a REST webservice is using Basic, Kerberos, NTLM, or one of the many other authentication methods? ...

Using authenticated SOAP web service in Android

I have to securely connect to an authenticated SOAP web service in Android. The web service uses a self-trusted certificate. Unfortunately it seems that the usual Java libraries for this can't be used in Android. Could someone give me some pointers on how to do this? Is it possible to implement this connect just with HTTP POST request...

How do I use libcurl to login to a secure website and get at the html behind the login.

Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could help me work through accessing the html behind a login page using C and libcurl. Specific Example: The website I'm trying to access is Is it possible to do something like this? The problem is that we have a lot of clients each of which h...

php http authnetication for drupal.

How to implement http authentication for a web app just to restrict the usage only for developers. ...