
How big can a user agent string get?

If you were going to store a user agent in a database, how large would you accomdate for? I found this technet article which recommends keeping UA under 200. It doesn't look like this is defined in the HTTP specification at least not that I found. My UA is already 149 characters, and it seems like each version of .net will be adding to ...

RFCs for content-type header?

I've looked @ rfc 2231 and 2183. Dealing with a multipart/related mime payload. I'm trying to decypher if the following is syntactically correct, specifically the "start" attribute for the first Content-Type, but I haven't been able to find the correct RFC. Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="=_34e1b39f5c290f66360ff510d4c38da4";...

When redirecting users from a legacy website to the new one, what is the best way to detect whether or not to show them a custom welcome message?

Say you have a legacy website running on an old code-base that offers certain functionality. The successor website is up and running, providing all the old functionality and more. For some time, there has been an HTML link on the old site pointing to the new one, for those users that care to click over. Now, the legacy site is reachin...

Prevent Back button from showing POST confirmation alert

I have an application that supplies long list of parameters to a web page, so I have to use POST instead of GET. The problem is that when page gets displayed and user clicks the Back button, Firefox shows up a warning: To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirma...

How to send custom HTTP headers with Flex when using Google Chrome

I am using a UrlRequest to send data to a server. I am sending various parameters via custom HTTP headers in the following way: urlRequest.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader("someheader", "somevalue")); When the request hits my ASP.NET endpoint (a class implementing IHttpHandler), the HttpRequest Headers property doesn't contain...

Need to set cookie header on AIR use of SWFLoader to retrieve remote Flex .swf file

Am coding an AIR 1.5 app in which I want to do a remote load of a Flex .swf file from a web server. I'm using Flex 3.2 SDK and attempting to use the sub-application feature via SWFLoader. I've been referencing the Developing and loading sub-applications document on how to do this. I can indeed successfully load the Flex .swf file from ...

Best way to inspect HTTP response headers with Selenium?

Is it possible? I'm looking around the Selenium docs and don't see any straightforward way to do it. All help appreciated! ...

question about creating a link to download

Hi Folks, I'm new to Rails and working on a project where after the user logs in they can click on a link to download an exe file ( say for example the file is at I want to keep the link to the exe file hidden. What are the best ways to implement this step. I was thinking about using the redirect to url but I...

IE7 popup disappears

I am using Java servlets and a custom framework which has options to download generated reports in various formats (CSV, PDF, XML Spreadsheet). This is done through a popup but does not seem to work when using content type of application/ in IE7. The popup appears but closes immediately. I have followed suggestions of settin...

Problems with encoding Json request

I try to manually build a Json string to send to the client. {'result':'hhh'} When I use echo json_encode(array('result'=>'hhh')); It arrives perfectly. But when I do echo "{'result':'hhh'}"; It isn't The only difference I find between the two requests is that the first one has: Content-Length: 9 header and the second o...

Maximum on http header values?

Is there an accepted maximum allowed size for HTTP headers? If so, what is it? If not, is this something that's server specific or is the accepted standard to allow headers of any size? ...

How to set read only flag on streamed content from web server

Is there a way include or suggest a read only flag as part of a content-disposition: attachment; filename=document.doc or other http header? ...

What headers do I want to send together with a 304 response?

When I send a 304 response. How will the browser interpret other headers which I send together with the 304? E.g. header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $offset) . " GMT"); Will this make sure the browser will not send another conditional GET request (nor any request) until $offset...

Why does the browser not cache a 301 within an AJAX-request?

This is the XMLHttpRequest: $.ajax({ method: "get", url: "getPage.php", data: $data, dataType: 'json', timeout: 2000, success: function(result) { handleContent(result); } }); This is getPage.php?data=data header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $offset) . " GMT"); header("Cac...

HTTP Transfer-Encoding and requests

Hi, the HTTP specification states that the Transfer-Encoding header is allowed for requests - but what error code should a server respond if it doesn't understand that given Transfer-Encoding. As far as I know the HTTP standard doesn't cover this possibility, but maybe I have just overlooked it. ...

UTF-8 characters mangled in HTTP Basic Auth username

I'm trying to build a web service using Ruby on Rails. Users authenticate themselves via HTTP Basic Auth. I want to allow any valid UTF-8 characters in usernames and passwords. The problem is that the browser is mangling characters in the Basic Auth credentials before it sends them to my service. For testing, I'm using 'カタカナカタカナカタカナカ...

Detecting the character encoding of an HTTP POST request

I'm building a web service and have a node that accepts a POST to create a new resource. The resource expects one of two content-types - an XML format I'll be defining, or form-encoded variables. The idea is that consuming applications can POST XML directly and benefit from better validation etc., but there's also an HTML interface tha...

How to prevent browser page caching in Rails

Ubuntu -> Apache -> Phusion Passenger -> Rails 2.3 The main part of my site reacts to your clicks. So, if you click on a link, it will send you on to the destination, and instantly regenerate your page. But, if you hit the back button, you don't see the new page. Unfortunately, it's not showing up without a manual refresh; it appears ...

Difference between Content-Range and Range headers?

Hi What is the difference between HTTP headers Content-Range and Range? When should each be used? I am trying to stream an audio file from a particular byte offset. Should I use Content-Range or Range header? Thanks ...

Http protocol content-length

I am working on a simple download application. While making a request for the following file both firefox and my application doesn't get the content-length field. But if i make the request using wget server does send the content-length field. I did change wgets user agent string to test and it still got the content-length field. Any ide...