
Flex HttpService : appending to destination

I am using Flex to connect to a Rest service. To access order #32, for instance, I can call the URL http://[service]/orders/32. The URL must be configured as a destination - since the client will connect to different instances of the service. All of this is using the Blaze Proxy, since it involves GET, PUT, DELETE and POST calls. The pro...

Starting Wicket web application with OSGi HTTP Service

I'm trying to start a Wicket Application using Felix implementation of OSGi HTTP service, for that I just register the service using WicketServlet with applicationClassName parameter: props.put("applicationClassName", MainApplication.class.getName()); service = (HttpService)context.getService(httpReference); service.registerServlet("/",...

What MS technology to use for HTTP service returning XML?

I need to create a service that: accepts HTTP requests (with query string or HTTP POST parameters) does some processing on the requests (checking if the request is valid, authentication etc.) reads data from a custom store (another HTTP call in our case) returns the result as custom XML (defined with XSD) I'm trying to think of vario...