
WCF The request failed with HTTP status 405: Method Not Allowed.

I have a WCF service that has been hosted on a Windows Service and uses BasicHttp endpoint to serve Windows Mobile devices that has been connected to it The problem is that with the Device Emulator, I can connect to the service and using it without any problems but with an actual device, I receive "WCF The request failed with HTTP stat...

HTTP POST to external ASPX form causing a HTTP 405 error in some cases

I have a situation where we're aggregating what amounts to marketing data from N number of clients, where a client can host a HTML form using any backend of their choice, each with the action of the form pointing to a path that we're hosting. Each client has a different URL, there's no auth (but there is some simple validation of the da...

What can be causing IIS to receive the HTTP verb "2GET"

I have a user who is intermittently receiving an HTTP 405 when clicking a link within my application. There is nothing funny about the link, as far as I can see... <a id="ctl00_ctlNavigationMenu_viewTransfersLink" href="Navigate.ashx?target=6">- View Transfers</a> As I said, most of the time the link executes successfully. However, ...

jQuery $.load() functioning on personal webserver, but not production webserver

EDIT: I have discovered that this is a 405 error. So there is something going on with the webserver and handling POST methods. I am having a strange occurrence. I have identical javascript code on both my test environment and production environment. The test environment functions, and the production does not. Here is my identical code....

ASP.NET MVC got 405 error on HTTP DELETE request?

I'm trying to pass the DELETE to a URL in MVC using JavaScript but however i always got 405 Method not allow return. is there anyway to make this work? FYI: I've put the [AcceptVerb(HttpVerb.Delete)] attribute on my controller. DELETE /post/delete/8 this is the request ...

Server sent unexpected return value (405 Not Allowed). Nginx, SVN

All greetings. Installed and configured the SVN, but the project is to commit a mistake and not complete. Server nginx, client - tortoise. Gives the following error: Commit failed (details follow): Server sent unexpected return value (405 Not Allowed) in response to PUT request for '/repos/!svn/wrk/79c6d77f-f269-1044-bc71-05a...

jquery, ajax 405 Method Not Allowed

Hi all, I have a small "contact form" with jquery validation, php and ajax. My website running on IIS. The problem is, I am trying to post the form contents using ajax+jquery, but I am getting the response like "405 Method Not Allowed" (From firebug console). But its running properly in local server. Pls help me to fix 405 error. Tha...

IIS: 405 (Method not allowed) when posting to default page

i want to POST form data to the default page of a web-server, e.g.: POST HTTP/1.1 i want the server to be responsible for 302 redirecting the client to where the POST should go. The default.asp file on the server performs this task (which is the technique Microsoft recommends), by performing the Redi...

Sitecore "Invalid Method" response (405)

After 60 secs of inactivity, the proxy server has ended all connections with the client and server. The client acknowledges knows these connections have ended. The client sends a POST to the website, however IIS/Sitecore replies ‘Invalid method 405’. Ie) you are not allowed to send a ‘POST’ right now... we’re expecting another GE...

Sending a POST request with the request URI of '/' to the Cassini Web Server leading to a 405 error. Why?

I am sending a POST request using HTTPWebRequest from the client to the Cassini Web Server on the remote machine configured to accept remote requests. But, I am not specifying a file as part of the URL. I am sending the request directly to the server as in "". However, I am unable to receive a proper response an...

POST to default page

Why is it not OK to do a HTTP.Post to the default page on ASP.NET I have a default.aspx file that i want to be accessed when an external utility do a post to the http://{ip}/WebSiteName I want that the actual post will be to this page: http://{ip}/WebSiteName/Defualt.aspx or http://{ip}/WebSiteName/Handler.ashx I thin...

Unable to set up WebDAV with IIS 7

Two symptoms... First, here's the situation: I'm running IIS 7 on a Windows 7 box. I'm trying to set up WebDAV but am running into problems. I followed the directions in this article to set things up in IIS: I have a .NET project at http://localhost/ithitw...

405 - HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed

Hi, I have developed a site in ASP.NET 3.5 I had deployed it on Windows server 2008 and iis7. I was using evaluation version of Windows server 2008. Day before yesterday the evalution period expired and I formatted my machine and re-installed the Windows server 2008. Now, when I deploy the site on IIS7 and try to access it then I get ...

HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL

I am getting the error HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL when I use the following code(below) ... the line causing the trouble (apparently) is getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/EditObject?id="+objId).forward(request, response); package web.objects; import; import java.sql.SQLEx...