
Does Google provide a http page to return a XML route?

I have been using a lot of Google Maps's API for getting geocoding and reverse geocoding services. Do you know if there's a service (through http) that would return a route? ...

POST File Stream octet-stream

Can I pass "application/octet-stream" or say a word document as stream or binary via POST (http protocol) ? (yes/no)? ...

Doubt in browser server interaction.

Suppose I click on a link to website A on a page and just before the current page gets replaced, I click on a different link to a different website say B. What happens to the request that was sent to website A? Does the webserver of site A reply back and the browser just rejects the HTTP reply? ...

How do web browsers execute and process requests?

I would like know how browser executes/processes the request. I would like to know this because knowing how it works will help me understand how better web programming can be done which meets performance goals using browser features. How browsers download CSS, JS and Image files? Does it download one resource at a time or multiple? How...

Difficult issue with subdomain cookies - how to handle writes/read in redirects.

I'm using Perl for this but I'm not sure that matters here, this is raw HTTP. I have various services which I've built a central login for. The services can be run off-site by third parties and I handle all the handshakes securely, with the central site always maintaining login state with sessions and session cookies. The problem I'm ...

How to differentiate between http and cli requests?

The title is quiet straightforward. I have to know on server side if the script called through HTTP request or by command line. I could examine the $_SERVER['argv'] or $_SERVER['argc']. What is the pragmatic way to do that? ...

Connecting with different Proxies to specific addresses

Hi, I am developing a Java webservice application (with JAX-WS) that has to use two different proxies to establish separated connections to internet and an intranet. As solution I tried to write my own that returns a instance (of type HTTP) for internet or intranet. In a little test application I tr...

Safe Data serialization for Plain HTTP GET & POST communication

Hello Friends, I'm using the client's browser to submit HTTP request. For report generation the securityToken is submitted as POST, for report download the same token needs to be submitted by the user browser, this time using GET. What encoding would you recommend for the securityToken which actually represents encrypted data. I've t...

Force download through markup or JS

Lets assume I have a file on a CDN (Cloud Files from Rackspace) and a static html page with a link to that file. Is there any way I can force download this file (to prevent it from opening in the browser -- for mp3s for example)? We could make our server read the file and set the corresponding header to: header("Content-Type: applicati...

GET request can be bookmarked and POST can not . Can anybody explain on this?

Hi I am studying the HTTP methods. I read that GET request can be bookmarked and POST request can not be bookmarked. Can anybody explain this with an example? Thanks ...

Execute and output PHP on a C based web-server - Stuck!

Hi all, I'm doing a bit of coursework for university and I'm completely baffled. Basically I've made a basic web server (which uses sockets) in C. I've now got to make it so that any .php file, is run through the php compiler and output. The problem I'm having is that I've tried using system() and execlp() (the latter was recommended b...

Secure connection between iPhone application and web server?

Hi, I am about to start to developing an iPhone application that should login and communicate information securely between the app and a web server. I haven't done much development in this area before, so I have done some research and would be very thankful for any input on how to handle this in the best/easiest way. Currently, the peo...

Is it "safe" to use schemeless protocol URIs on public websites? Ex. //

In HTML when referencing images, css, javascript, etc... I sometimes use links without the http or https scheme portion, à la. <img src="//" alt="" /> and I haven't had any browsers choke on it yet (that I know of). I've seen a few other public sites use it as well, but not many. I even reference the Google ...

C# HttpWebRequest.GetResponse - how is StatusCode usage handled for a non-exception vs webexception response?

Hi, Can someone help clear up the usage of the "StatusCode" property in HttpWebResponse and WebException? For example it seems that if: a) there is no exception, then the HttpWebResponse will have a StatusCode that could have some values that indicate both: - success (e.g. OK, Accepted etc) - failure (e.g. UseProxy, RequestTimeout...

Couchdb-like http access from a relational database?

The new security abilities of couchdb mean you can dispense with your middle-ware and access your data directly from your client if you data fits into a key value store. What if your data needs a relational database? Is there a relational db with similar abilities? Should I just tell my db server to listen on port 80? ...

Get HTTP headers with JavaScript

Can I evaluate the status of a URL on a remote server with JavaScript? Is it considered a cross-domain reference even if I don't get the actual contents of a document? If it's not possible through plain JavaScript, could I perhaps load the document in an iframe? What I would like to do is to check if the HTTP status code is 200 and if ...

Set and Read/Retrieve cookie using javascript within a java file(.java)

Let me refrase it. i am writing a new http-server using sockets in java-language(not javascript) and i want to tell client to set cookie. I would like to do that in javascript(setin reading the cookie). If that is not possible, Are there other solutions? Thank you all. ...

jQuery Ajax: redirect to other pages without wait the result

After clicking on a button I want to fire an Ajax call and then redirect to other pages without waiting the ajax result. Is it possible? My code as follow: $('button').click(function(){ $.get('mailer.php', function(){ window.location.replace("result.php"); }); }); The code above will wait for the ajax result before red...

Forcing users to access the site with www. and https

I am trying to write an .htaccess rule that appends www. to the domain and s to http if required but I can't seem to find a rule or set of rules that works for each case. The cases are... \ - should just work \ - should go to \ \ - should go to \

How can i visit a webpage with ant?

Ant task GET will download an http request. How can i visit a webpage and throw the response to the current logger, and maybe take some decition according to the response? Thanks in advance Edit: It worked out like: <target name="genera"> <exec executable="curl" outputproperty="webProcess" errorproperty="error"> <ar...