
Java - Trying to log into website with invalid ssl certificate using httpclient

I'm trying to log into site with invalid ssl certificate and I have the following code. I bypass the the invalid cert by using my all certificate and then bypass the invalid Hostname by using hostnameverifier. However, the hostnameverifier does not seem to work and I still get the error message hostname in ...

Httpclient not returning entire response

Using HttpClient 4.0, Im having an issue where the response I get from the ResponseHandler is only about half of what the actual page content should be (~61k bytes in the string vs ~125k in the page returned to a browser). I cant seem to find any place where there might be some sort of limit that would limit this. Any ideas? Update: One...

HTTP client - HTTP 405 error "Method not allowed". I send a HTTP Post but for some reason HTTP Get is sent.

Hey I am using the apache library. I have created a class which sends a post request to a servlet. I have set up the parameters for the client and i have created a HTTP post object to be sent but for some reason when i excute the request i get a reposnse that says the get method is not supported(which is true cause i have only made a d...

Attach XML object to REST POST in REST starter kit.

Hi, I'm using the REST starter kit in for the first time and having a bit of trouble. I've created some XML... String newOrganizationStrin = "<somexml></somexml>"; XmlDocument newOrganizationXml = new XmlDocument(); newOrganizationXml.LoadXml(newOrganizationString); Then I create an httpClient... HttpClient http = new HttpC...

Authenticating a single request with httpclient 4.x

I have an HttpClient instance that's shared by a number of threads. I would like to use it to make a single authenticated request. Because only the single request should be authenticated, I don't want to modify the HttpClient instance as described in the documentation. Here's what I've worked out instead, which isn't working. From what ...

Image not found exception while posting to twitpic using httpclient

Hi group, I am using commons-httpclient-3.1 jar file to Post multipart file to twitpic , iam getting Image not found exception here is my code HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.getHttpConnectionManager().getParams().setConnectionTimeout(100000); PostMethod method = new PostMethod("http://twitpi...

Setting user agent in Java httpclient and allow redirects to true

Hey guys - I am trying to set my user agent string in the HttpClient apache object in Java but I cannot find out how to do it. Please help! Also I am trying to enable redirects to true but also cannot find this option within the HttpClient object. Thanks Andy ...

Android JSON HttpClient to send data to PHP server with HttpResponse

I am currently trying to send some data from and Android application to a php server (both are controlled by me). There is alot of data collected on a form in the app, this is written to the database. This all works. In my main code, firstly I create a JSONObject (I have cut it down here for this example): JSONObject j = new JSONObje...

Uploading images to a PHP server from Android

I need to upload an image to a remote PHP server which expects the following parameters in HTTPPOST: *$_POST['title']* *$_POST['caption']* *$_FILES['fileatt']* Most of the internet searches suggested either : Download the following classes and trying MultiPartEntity to send the request: apache-mime4j-0.5.jar httpclient-4.0-beta2....

Java DefaultHTTPClient automatically handle cookies

Hi, I have a piece of code using the DefaultHttpClient and it makes a post request to login to a website. However subsequent requests appear to have forgotten the fact im signed in. How do i turn on automatic cookie handling of the DefaultHttpClient I am using? Cheers, Andy ...

Monitor download progress with HTTPClient 4 ?

Can anyone show me how to monitor the progress of a download using HTTPClient 4 ? I'm a bit lost in the API. ...

Android: How get the status-code of an HttpClient request

I want to download a file from and need to check the response status code (ie HTTP /1.1 200 OK). This is a snipped of my code: HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(myUri); HttpEntity httpEntity = null; HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpRequest); ... How do i get the status-cod...

Android HttpClient and HTTPS

Hi all, I'm new to implementing HTTPS connections in Android. Essentially, I'm trying to connect to a server using the org.apache.http.client.HttpClient. I believe, at some point, I'll need to access the application's keystore in order to authorize my client with a private key. But, for the moment, I'm just trying to connect and see ...

What happened to URIUtil.encodePath from commons-httpclient-3.1?

I want to do what's described in question 724043, namely encode the path components of a URI. The class recommended to do that is URIUtil from Commons HttpClient 3.1. Unfortunately, that class seems to have disappeared from the most recent version of HttpClient. A similarly named class from HttpClient 4.1, URIUtils, doesn't provide the s...

Help constructing a POST request with MultipartEntity (newbie question)

I'd like to construct a multipart request, with the following parameters: name (string), email (string), and fileupload (file). I'm using the Java code below (working in Android). The httppost.getRequestLine() prints POST HTTP/1.1 So everything looks good on the client site, but my server (Django/Apache)...

java httpclient post

I have a question about how to allow my jsp page to issue a post command to the server, and still have the browser fallow the re direction of the posted page. Here are the code snipets: code that does the post (this is inside a jsp file): HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); client.getParams().setParameter("SUBMITTED", "submit...

What version of Apache HTTP Client is bundled in Android 1.6?

I want to have a seperate project that runs my server communication code in a normal JVM for the purposes of integration testing. This code uses these libraries which are build into the Android Framework... Does anybody know what version of Apache HTTP ...

How to properly encode "[" and "]" in queries using Apache HttpClient?

I've got a GET method that looks like the following: GetMethod method = new GetMethod("http://host/path/?key=[\"item\",\"item\"]"); Such a path works just fine when typed directly into a browser, but the above line when run causes an IllegalArgumentException : Invalid URI. I've looked at using the URIUtils class, but without success...

Android: Trusting all Certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS

Hi all, Recently posted a question regarding the HttpClient over Https (found here). I've made some headway, but I've run into new issues. As with my last problem, I can't seem to find an example anywhere that works for me. Basically, I want my client to accept any certificate (because I'm only ever pointing to one server) but I keep...

Can clients using http 1.0 or older use UDP sockets instead of TCP sockets?

Can clients using http 1.0 or older use UDP sockets instead of TCP sockets? I was wondering as to what could prevent such use apart from firewall issues and packet size limitations. However, if that isn't a problem, is there anything else that prevents such use. Also, have they been used traditionally? ...