
How to make an ASP.NET session cookie expire with the ASP.NET HttpSession?

I have created an HttpCookie in order to share data across a subdomain : HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("sessionGUID"); cookie.Value = value; cookie.Domain = ""; Response.Cookies.Set(cookie); I carelessly assumed since it is a 'session' cookie (no expires) that it would expire along with my ASP.NET session. Of course ...

Cookie path and its accessibility to subfolder pages

Let say I have a website with domain: If I set a cookie with path '/' the cookie will be accessible via all pages in the domain, eg:, etc. What if we set the cookie to path '/subfolder1', will the coo...

Cookies, HTTP GET, and Query Strings

The United States District Court for the Southern District of New York in re Doubleclick Inc. stated: "GET information is submitted as part of a Web site's address or "URL," in what is known as a "query string." For example, a request for a hypothetical online record store's selection of Bon Jovi albums might read: http://recordstore.hy...

Why does Request.Cookies return string instead of HttpCookie object in foreach loop?

Hi, This morning I accidentally saw the following snippet code, I was fairly surprised because it work very well. Don't look at its logic please, I'm just curious why does the HttpCookieCollection (Request.Cookies in this case) return a string (cookie name) instead of a HttpCookie object in foreach loop. Is it a consistency issue becau...

How to determine .NET cookie path

I am writing a .NET application that uses cookies to store a login token. I'd like the user to be able to log into multiple installations of this application on the same server (let's say jacob.local/Devel and jacob.local/Stable), so I want to set the Path property for the cookies appropriately. Currently I'm using Request.ApplicationP...

ASP.Net HttpCookie expiration set to two years

I create a cookie and set the Expires property to 24 hours, but in IE the expiration is set to two years. In Firefox it is set correctly. Why? My code: //Set a cookie to expire in 24 hours. HttpCookie clickCookie = new HttpCookie(adId, adId); clickCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1); Response.Cookies.Add(clickCookie); Thanks ...

C# (Sharp) The Difference between HttpCookie and Cookie?

So I'm confused as msdn and other tutorials tell me to use HttpCookies to add cookies via Response.Cookies.Add(cookie). But that's the problem. Response.Cookies.Add only accepts Cookies and not HttpCookies and I get this error: cannot convert from 'System.Net.CookieContainer' to 'System.Net.Cookie' Additionally, what's the difference b...

Create non-persistent cookie with FormsAuthenticationTicket

Hello! I'm having trouble creating a non-persistent cookie using the FormsAuthenticationTicket. I want to store userdata in the ticket, so i can't use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() or FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie() methods. Because of this I need to create the FormsAuthenticationTicket and store it in a HttpCookie. My code l...

ASP.NET fails to correctly handle comma delimited cookies

According to the RFC, individual cookies in the "Cookie" HTTP header may be separated by commas as well as by semicolons. However, ASP.NET does not parse the commas case correctly - it does not count comma as a separator, but considers it just part of the value. For example If a client sends header Cookie: a=b, c=d, then the ASP.NET app...

Is it safe to use Request.ApplicationPath for cookie path

Is it safe to use such code? Response.Cookies[cookieName].Path = Request.ApplicationPath + "/"; I want to know about all corner cases, please... ...

httpCookie cause the page not to load

I'm using VS 2010, and asp 3.5. I have a simple default.aspx page that has Dim ctx As HttpContext = HttpContext.Current Dim cookie As HttpCookie = ctx.Request.Cookies("SessionGUID") Me.lbl1.Text = cookie.Value.ToString the page loads fine when running it from within VS, but when i build the site and run the page, it ...

ASP.NET Webforms site using HTTPCookie with 100 year timeout times out after 20 minutes

I have a site that is using Forms Auth. The client does not want the site session to expire at all for users. In the login page codebehind, the following code is used: // user passed validation FormsAuthentication.Initialize(); // grab the user's roles out of the database String strRole = AssignRoles(UserName.Text); // creates forms ...

how to add serial key to client system when he visit our website.

i want to add 3 serial key to client system using httpcookie when he visited my website my website off course in MVC but serial key is different different not same. when i add a 4th cookie then 1 key is automatically deleted. how i can do this. when user want to see then he can see recent 3 key. Are you know how to add thi...

HttpCookie is not deleted when session changes or is invalid

I'm creating an HttpCookie, setting only the name and value and not the expires property, then adding it to the response. Simple enough. The cookie is created (but not persisted) as expected. The problem is when the session changes for some reason (like the website was rebuilt, or I rebuilt my app when debugging) then the cookie stays...

Why is Cookie available in Request immediately after setting using Response?

In pageload, if you do Response.Cookies.Add(..., immediately in the next line, you can access that cookie via Request.Cookies(... I know that under the covers, the cookie is added to Request.Cookies by .net, but the original request never had that cookie. If what I'm saying is correct, why is it this way? Shouldn't the cookie be avail...

C# Cookie is not saving its information...

Scenerio - I am writting a web app that based off of which login box you use (database1 and database2) it will connect you to the cooresponding database. I have set the web.config to hold both connection strings. On the On_Authenticate method of each box I check to authenticate the user and then send a string based on the login box to ...

Quirky cookie behaviour

A colleague of mine asked me to take a look at some cookie behaviour. He created simple web app that created a cookie and inserted the value of a text field, he then checked the cookie collection on the next page to see it had been inserted and read back correctly. All simple really. On the second page however he noted the was more th...