
Facebook Flash send HTTP request to Own Server. Does Facebook proxy the call?

For javascript aJax call, I know the data will be proxy by facebook. Session data will follow the same rule as FBML. and now, I have a Flash component. I know Facebook will pass fb user data (and session data) to the flash as parameters. However, when the flash talks to the server, does facebook proxy it? ...

amount of Images on site is causing long load time

My website sometimes loads a bit slow, due to the amount of images loading. I actually have 61 images on my homepage due to all the png overlays and icons. I have considered using sprites or an image map, but I really don't feel like doing this. I know that there can only be 2 requests to my server, so if I host the images elsewhere, it ...

PHP Post Request inside a POST Request

There is a contact form which current action is "", it sends fields and values. In ContactInfo.php, i just catch the values and send and email to [email protected] BUT, inside ContactInfo.php, I need to send the same data to another destination, in other domain I have tryed out to...

Sending an image via POST Multipart (HTTPRequest)

I'm trying to send an image to a server, using HTTP Post Multipart. Everything else is fine, I have all the boundrys set and stuff. But what do I have to do to the image before hand? Do I have to convert it to binary? Here is the header data from the header (using Fiddler). This is what I need to upload: -----------------------------7d...

Sending a File Along HTTP?

Just wondering how I would send a file along HTTP. I'm using HTTPRequest. The data needs to be outputted in its binary form so I can send it in a multipart request. And ideas on how I do it? I'm totally lost. ...

How to read XML response from a URL in java,?

Hi . I need to write a simple function that takes a URL and processes the response which is XML or JSON, I have checked the Sun website , but the HttpRequest object is to be found nowhere, is it possible to do this in Java? I`m writting a rich client end app. ...

Handling post requests in ASP.NET MVC

Recently I started working with MVC, before that I used "classic" ASP.NET. After using Ruby on Rails (RoR), I wonder how to implement POST request handling in MVC similar to how RoR operates. In RoR you use the Post method, so you need only one function for a view. In ASP.NET MVC I need to use 2 separate functions for GET and for POST,...

How can I POST a multipart HTTP request from Perl to Java and get a response?

I'm trying to post from one of my subroutines in Perl a request to a Java based controller. But I'm not getting any kind of response back. I know the Java code works file because I can get a response if I post to it from a HTML form. This is my Perl code: use HTTP::Request::Common; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $response = $u...

How to hunt down HTTP request?

Trying to optimize one web project. It uses (webforms), bunch of jquery plugins and whatnot. Problem: there's unnecessary HTTP request to localhost/undefined and that makes every request take ~1s longer than needed. Question: is there any tactic to find guilty code? Clue: undefined makes me think that there's JS involved. Fi...

libcurl HTTP request to save respond into variable - c++

I'm trying to save the returned data from HTTP request into a variable. The code below will automatically print the respond of the request, but I need it to save the respond to a char or string. int main(void) { char * result; CURL *curl; CURLcode res; curl = curl_easy_init(); if(curl) { ...

how to get a Spring bean that is local to the current HttpRequest

I would like to be able to create a bean whose scope is limited to the currently serviced HttpRequest. I considered ThreadLocal but the problem I see is that threads can be reused to service an HttpRequest by the container. I would like to use said bean in a bean that has no concept of the currently serviced HttpRequest. Any guidanc...

IHttpHandler Request object and virtual directory issue

I am writing a class that inherits from IHttpHandler for script and css combining. I only want to combine if the querystring has a special parameter defined. If this parameter is not defined then I want to write the contents of the file as if the handler wasn't even involved. The one problem I'm encountering is that I have a script tag o...

System.Web.HttpRequest - What is the difference between ContentLength, TotalBytes, and InputStream.Length?

I'm looking for answers to questions like these: For any given request, do these three properties always return the same value? Do any of them have side effects? Do any of them block until the entire request is received by IIS? Do any of them cause uploaded files to be loaded completely into memory? I care about this because I'm maki...

What's the encoding of the content of an HTTP request?

Is this defined? Or is it set with a header, similar to the HTTP-response? ...

HTTP DOM: request.use? Usage?

I'm looking at the following code block in javascript: var request = new Request(); if(request.Use()) // What exactly does this do? { // stuff } else { // no ajax support? } I've never seen anyone invoke the request.Use() method. My Question: What exactly does request.Use() check? Does it in fact check for...

Is it possible to refuse rack requests based on request method.

I am looking to refuse connections from inside a rack app. Now I currently do this in a middleware (lowest level) by simply checking: env['REQUEST_METHOD'] and if it one I don't desire I pass back either a 301 or a 404 etc... However I was wondering if there was a lower level mechanism for doing the same thing within rack itself? I kn...

PHP HttpRequest Cookie Issue

I have a chunk of code to login to test a web site login: $r = new HttpRequest($newlocation, HttpRequest::METH_GET); $r->addCookies($cookieArray); $r->send(); The content of $cookieArray is from a redirect, but I don't modify it in any way. The really baked part is that if the value of the cookie (an authentication token string) contain...

monitor http request from non-browser

hi, I want to monitor http request generated out of a exe. Is there any tool that can help me? Actually, an exe would call my web page to register a user. The exe constructs the POST data request and calls my page. when the request reaches my web page, I don't see any data. I want to monitor the Request object and the traffic to...

Is it possible to perform a forward into a new window?

We are using ICEFaces 1.8 and I would like to perform a forward to a new URL, but want it to open in a new window. We are currently able to perform a redirect to a new window as: public static void redirectToUrl(String urlPath) { if (urlPath != null) { try { final String url = FacesUtil.getContextPath() + urlPat...

How can I utilize or mimic Application OnStart in an HttpModule?

We are trying to remove the global.asax from our many web applications in favor of HttpModules that are in a common code base. This works really well for many application events such as BeginRequest and PostAuthentication, but there is no Application Start event exposed in the HttpModule. I can think of a couple of smelly ways to overc...