
HTTPS in web browser and Mobile Phone

Can some tell me how the HTTPS connection that we use in a web browser is different from a HTTPS connection we ue using a NSURLConnection in iPhone? How does the certificate mechanisms work in a mobile phone? ...

Why I see another web site at my https addres?

Can anybody explain why I see another web site at my http secure address. I don't have a certificate. I can manage files from folder httpsdocs but cannot access them from web. Also httpsdocs is empty. And base of my problem is Google indexes my https domain but I cannot denny Google Bot. ...

Using PHP to post an XML buffer to an HTTPS page

Hi, I am using php 5.2.9 I have an XML buffer which I need to post to some HTTPS URL. What is the correct way of doing that? I see various examples on the web, and none of them seem to be working for me: Some define the cURL headers like so: $headers = array( "POST " . $page . " HTTP/1.0", "Content-type: text/xml;charse...

Setting the cookie which works across HTTP and HTTPS, with www and without www

Hi, I have a website where I want to do transaction which has to be done over https, but the https works only without www (due to some issue while taking SSL certificate). http:/ / https:/ /example. com I want to set the cookies which are accessible in above of two. Limitations: 1. https:/ /example. com can not made ...

Unable to trust a self signed certificate on iphone.

I am currently trying to connect to a server with a self signed certificate. I am using NSURLConnection to connect to the server. How can I make sure that I only trust the right server and cancel all other connections? I am using the following code - (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge:(...

How can i maintain session with subdomain and https.

Hello to all, I have a problem related to subdomain and https request. I am trying to route from http to https where my http address is and https address is But the problem is when i switched from http to https i loose my session variables. How can i persist my session variables in both http ...

HTTPS, URL path, and query string

This is a follow up post of my previous question (it was about username/password) Are the path to the resource and query string passed securely to the server if I use HTTPS? i.e. URI: http://server/path/to/a/resource?with=a&query=string Server: server path: /path/to/a/resource query string: with=a&query=string ...

Unable to submit form programmatically using HtmlUnit

Hi, I'm using HtmlUnit in a Groovy script to get a csv file from the site. This script used to work until recently, where some strange SSL error appeared. Here is the used Groovy code WebClient client = new WebClient(com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.BrowserVersion.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6); client.setJavaScriptEnabled...

Different SSL-certificates for different parts of site

I have a site on that loads all its static components from (an amazon cloudfront distribution). Now i would like to make some pages of to use https so i thought i'd buy a ssl certificate for, but since the pages loads images and other stuff from the https will break since s...

iPhone HTTPS works as webpage, fails as web-app

I configured my web server to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. I used openssl to generate an X509 certificate and private key. When I connect using FireFox it warns me of an "Untrusted Connection" and allows me to add an exception to continue. When I connect using my iPhone's Safari web browser it does the same thing. I hit accept to the secur...

C# - Creating web client to automate user activity on a HTTPS site

I've been wracking my brain for a couple of weeks on this. I need to create a web client (I don't want to use the webBrowser control because I need this to be as lightweight as possible) to log in to a secure web site, and then effectively click links and fill in fields to get the data that would normally be displayed in the web browser...

Validating self-signed secure certificate, Android.

Hi, I need to validate a self-signed certificate when connecting to a .NET web service using HttpClient. Can anyone redirect me to any resources ? Thanks, Teja. Edit: From what I've learned after posting, the following src code from

Is there an alternative to HTTPS for securing a web site?

At work we are always having numerous problems with our x.509 certificates that we use for https and I was wondering is there a useful alternative for securing the communication between a server and the browser. Edit Could also be that we are using IIS x.509 and WCF ...

subversion co command against https problems

when I carry out the following command: svn co I get a prompt asking me for 'Administrator' password. When I type in a password, it asks me for a username and password. What I don't understand is, I guess the 2nd stage is the user set-up in visualsvn, but what is the password for administrator? Is it...

Facebook 'Like' button breaks https/SSL

On an e-commerce website I maintain, I added a Facebook 'Like' button per the instructions here: I am using the iframe method: <iframe src=";amp;layout=standard&amp;amp;show_faces=true...

Login PHP session after switch to SSL

I decided to invest a few hours in trying to secure my site with SSL. Got the server running alright but have hit a wall with my PHP $_SESSION. I understand the issue of passing session ids between HTTP and HTTPS, but that's not happening here (I think). The convoluted session sequence goes something like this: login.html: <form act...

How can I pass SSL options into "rails server" in Rails 3.0?

Is there a way to pass SSL options into "rails server" (on Rails 3.0.0), using a custom Rack config or something similar? I'm trying to do two things: enable Cucumber to run tests that involve both secure and non-secure URL's, and make things simple for new developers, so they don't have to set up Apache and configure all the SSL/cert...

F5, HTTPS and secure connection detection

Real quick question. Configuring a new site which will be supported by a F5 load balancer that is handling the SSL certs. The site will be mixed protocol with a few secured pages but the majority of pages will be http. Now, my understanding of F5 is it strips the protocol off and all communication with the servers occurs over http:80....

SWF not loading in ie8 after we switched to SSL

We recently switched our webapp to use SSL at the request of a very large client. We complied and everything went smooth until my IE users started emailing support about not seeing our flash graphs (XML/SWF Charts: In IE8 it prompts that insecure content is being delivered, we fixed this issue by changing the f...

how to open HTTPS webservice in iPhone browser programmatically/

Hello, How to open the HTTPS web service in iPhone browser programmatically? I guess we can open the browser with the below syntax only for HTTP url, NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; Can i use the same syntax to open it for HTTPS url also? wh...