
How do I differentiate between request and response in an HTTPURLConnection?

Hi I need to evaluate if a server supports gzip compression. Therefore I want to set gzip as Accept-Encoding in my request and evaluate if the response of the server containts "Content-Encoding: gzip". However I am not quite clear on how to do this with HTTPURLConnection. Especially when to query my Connection object about the respons...

Use HTTPClient or HttpUrlConnection?

We're implementing a REST client on JRE 1.4. Seems two good options for a client REST framework are HttpClient and HttpUrlConnection. Is there a reason to use HttpClient over the JRE's HttpUrlConnection? ...

need help with bizarre behavior

I am attempting to download a jpg using HttpURLConnection and am encountering a very peculiar bug. Here's the url: if you open it in a browser you will see the image. However, when I use HttpURLConnection I don't get the image... What I...

Java doesn't follow redirect in URLConnection

Hi everyone, I can't understand why Java HttpURLConnection doesn't follow redirect. I use the following code to get the page import; import; import; public class Tester { public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception{ InputStream i...

how to keep multiple Java HttpConnections open to same destination

We are using HttpURLConnection API to invoke a REST API to the same provider often (kind of an aggregation usecase). We want to keep a pool of 5 connections always open to the provider host (always the same IP). What is the proper solution? Here is what we tried: System.setProperty("http.maxConnections", 5); // set globally only once...

How to set Content Type on HttpURLConnection ?

Hi guys. Do you know how to set Content-Type on HttpURLConnection? Following code is on Blackberry and I want the Android equivalent: connection.setRequestProperty("content-type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); connection.setRequestProperty("Host", ""); connection.setRequestProperty("Expect", "100-continue"); Is it right...

Why doesn't HttpClient work but HttpUrlConnenction do when posting data to form.

Hello experts! I'm building an android app which should perform a GET on my site to get two cookies and then perform a post to the same site with these cookies. As mentioned I start of with the GET and I'm using org.apache.http.client.HttpClient to perform this operation. String requiredCookies = ""; HttpContext localContext = null;...

Android HttpURLConnection disconnect doesn't work

The method disconnect from HttpURLConnection seems not to work properly. If I execute the following code: url = new URL ("http:// ..."); connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection (); connection.setRequestMethod ("POST"); connection.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); connection.setUseCache...

Java: HTTP PUT with HttpURLConnection

How do you do do an HTTP PUT? The class I'm using seems to think it is doing a PUT but the endpoint is treating it as if I did a GET. Am I doing anything wrong? URL url = new URL("https://..."); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setRequestMethod("PUT"); OutputStreamWriter wr...

Java HttpURLConnection doesn't connect when I call connect()

Hello, I'm trying to write a program to do automated testing on my webapp. To accomplish this, I open up a connection using HttpURLConnection. One of the pages that I'm trying to test performs a 302 redirect. My test code looks like this : URL currentUrl = new URL(urlToSend); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) curr...

HttpsURLConnection and intermittent connections

I'm hoping someone could help me out with intermittent connections I'm getting using code with HttpsURLConnection. The code I'm using is below: HttpsURLConnection conn = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setReadTimeout(10 * 1000); if conn.getResponseCode() != 200) { Log.v(TAG, "error code:" + c...

Java multiple connection downloading

Hi all, I wanted to get some advice, I have started on a new project to create a java download accelerator that will use multiple connections. I wanted to know how best to go about this. So far I have figured out that i can use HttpUrlConnection and use the range property, but wanted to know an efficient way of doing this. Once i hav...

HttpsURLConnection stalling out when getInputStream() is called

[Java 1.5; Eclipse Galileo] HttpsURLConnection seems to stall when the getInputStream() method is called. I've tried using different websites to no avail (currently I should point out I'm using httpS. The code below has been modified based on what I've learned from other StackOverflow answers. However, no solut...

Limitation in Java HttpUrlConnection getting content length

Hi, Right so, I started my project on creating a Java download manager which is going nicely. The only problem I am seeing at the moment is when i request the content length of the URL. When i use the method provided by HttpUrlConnection's getContentLength, it returns an Int. This is great if i was only to ever download files that we...

Using HttpURLConnection on Android

I am trying to connect a web server I have running in my android App however for some reason it's failing. I can connect to the webpage normally and using my phone's browser, I can also use the below code to connect to google but for some reason my code will not connect to my web server. If I host the server on port 80 I get error code ...

HttpUrlConnection Post causes the browser to download the response JSON in Java Proxy

Hi all I'm making call to Alfresco Webscripts which return JSON. I do this using GET requests which all work perfectly. If I do a file POST however, the Alfresco server receives the file correctly and sends back a JSON response, but this time the response causes the browser to prompt for a download instead of the letting Javascript proc...

several requests from one HttpURLConnection

Hi! How can I do several request in one HttpURLConnection with Java? URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects( true ); connection.setDoOutput( true ); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( conne...

Why does my Sax Parser produce no results after using InputStream Read?

Hello, I have this piece of code which I'm hoping will be able to tell me how much data I have downloaded (and soon put it in a progress bar), and then parse the results through my Sax Parser. If I comment out basically everything above the //xr.parse(new InputSource(request.getInputStream())); line and swap the xr.parse's over, it wor...

Parse Exception: At line 1, column 0: no element found

Hi everyone, I have a weird issue. I receive the following error that causes a force-close: org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser$ParseException: At line 1, column 0: no element found at org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser.parseFragment( at org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser.parseDocument( ...

how to unset ContentHandlerFactory in HTTPUrlConnection

HTTPUrlConnection.setContentHandlerFactory()method throws Exception saying factory is already defined. I understand that. Is it possible to unset the factory and change the contenthandler factory? ...