
How can I view HTTP requests being sent through a rails application?

I'm trying to interface with a 3rd party website, and the communication goes as follows. Send this request POST /Service/LabelService.asmx/GetLabelXML HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: length labelRequestXML=<LabelRequest> ... </LabelRequest> Receive this response HTTP/1.1 ...

Alternative to Response.TransmitFile for transfering files via HTTP

Hi Guys, I'm working on a ASP.NET website that allows users to download files. Previously the files were stored on the same server as the website so we could do: Response.Clear(); Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\""); Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", response.ContentLength.ToString...

How to AutoDetect/Use IE proxy settings in .net HttpWebRequest

Is it possible to detect/reuse those settings ? How ? The exception i'm getting is This is the exception while connecting to System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond aft...

performing http methods using windows application in c#

There are many sites which call a script upon form submit and pass in parameters using HTTP POST or GET, using a web debugger i have found the parameters being passed. Now i wish to do the same thing through my Windows Application in C#. How can i achieve such a functionality? I am currently using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse clas...

differences between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP and WinHttp.WinHttpRequest?

just when I finally understood the difference between Msxml2.XMLHTTP and Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP XMLHTTP is designed for client applications and relies on URLMon, which is built upon Microsoft Win32 Internet (WinInet). ServerXMLHTTP is designed for server applications and relies on a new HTTP clie...

WebException when reading a WebException's response stream

I'm communicating with a web server from .Net. The web server throws a 500 internal server error and writes a detailed error message. I'm trying to read the error message that is received from a web exception, but getting another web exception. Why is the second WebException thrown? try { var webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest...

Call webservice on outside server from javascript using and C#

I'm trying to test web service calls using an ASP.NET page that creates a form with username and password fields and a "Submit" button. (Both jQuery and the .js file I'm using are included in script tags in the head element.) The "Submit" button calls a function created in the C# code behind file that makes a call to a separate JavaScri...

HttpWebRequest Timeouts After Ten Consecutive Requests

I'm writing a web crawler for a specific site. The application is a VB.Net Windows Forms application that is not using multiple threads - each web request is consecutive. However, after ten successful page retrievals every successive request times out. I have reviewed the similar questions already posted here on SO, and have implemented...

Why could I be getting error "The underlying connection was closed" when getting an Image?

I'm using a little code to grab an image given its URL, and it's working for me for all URLs I tried except one: For this URL, I'm getting "The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a receive." However, if you open that URL with a browser, it loads perfectl...

C#-WebRequest in a Windows Service

Hi there, I'm currently developing a Windows Service to download some emails in the background. For easy testing, the core of this service can be run in a standalone application, too. There's no problem while downloading the mails (service and standalone) but I'm not able to get a WebRequest when running the service (everything's find i...

Error downloading files from mvc web application

I am having this really weird issue with downloading files from within ASP.Net MVC (not downloading FROM the app, TO the app) and hope someone can help me out. This bit of code running in a controller: using (var wc = new WebClient()) { var siteText = wc.DownloadString(""); re...

System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

I have big problem. I need send 200 objects at a time, here is my code : while (true) { NameValueCollection myNameValueCollection = new NameValueCollection(); myNameValueCollection.Add("mode", nat); myNameValueCollection.Add("mode", nat); using (var client = new WebClient()) { byte[] responseArray = c...

Operate on HTTP Request as it is received in IIS in C#

I have a need to override the receipt of a raw HTTP request as it is being communicated to an IIS server. I want to know if this is possible. We have a client who sends huge Web Service calls (tens of Mb) and we want to start acting on portions of those calls as they are being received (in order to get a faster total time of executio...

posting data to web pages fails in C#

i have used following code in my c# application string verification_url = @""; string verification_data = "test=524001A"; string result = string.Empty; result = Post(verification_url, verification_data); public string Post(string url, string data) { string result = ""; try { byte[] buffe...

How to download a file using HttpWebRequest and authentication

Download fails for authenticated sites. I've tried passing Network Credentials and allowing AutoRedirect but that doesnt work. The application works fine for URLs that allow downloads with authentication. But my application has to download components from a site that requires authentication. So in a browser..the download url redirects t...

How can I set a timeout on HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream?

I've set both Timeout and ReadWriteTimeout of HttpWebRequest, and still GetRequestStream does not time out when trying to connect to a non-existent server. I've run into similar problems in the past when the DNS resolution was struck, but this time the server in question is running on my own machine (localhost) so this not relevant. The...

View WebRequest XML

Hello, I'm having a strange issue - I saw a similar post on this forum, but it didn't have an answer. Long story short, I am sending an HttpWebRequest using C# to a web service (stubs were created by adding a web reference in Visual Studio 2008, .NET 2.0) which breaks with the following message: "Unable to parse the incoming request". ...

HttpWebRequest over HTTPS with NTLM not working...

I am trying to make an HttpWebRequest from an ASP.Net page on a server called SV-REQ against another IIS7 server called SV-RES. When I set IIS on SV-RES to use Digest, Basic, or Negotiate and make the change to the credential cache object to use the appropriate method, the code executes fine and I get a valid response from SV-RES confir...

Mutiple client webrequests - object structure approach needed (edited)

I'm seeking for a approach for the following problem: I'm doing gps tracking. The data is being provided over http post requests by a gps data provider. The application should handle about one hundred trackings and poll each position max every second. My approach so far: Out of a collection every object sets off async web requests trig...

HttpWebRequest to server that does not allow chunking does not work

I have some C# stubs to a Java web service (Https) (created in Visual Studio 2008, .NET 2.0). The server does not allow requests to be chunked. I was able to set sendChunked to false in the HttpWebRequest. When I call web service methods which have very little data going across the wire they work fine. However, when I send requests whic...